RMG-Py v2.3.0
Arkane (formerly CanTherm):
- CanTherm has been renamed to Arkane (Automated Reaction Kinetics And Network Exploration)
- New network exploration functionality using RMG-database
- Support for all elements has been added for reading quantum output files
- New supporting information output file with rotational constants and frequencies
- Known thermo and kinetics can be provided in addition to quantum information
- Improve general user experience and error handling
New machine learning thermo estimator
- Estimate species thermochemistry using a graph convolutional neural network
- Estimator trained on quantum calculations at B3LYP and CCSD(T)-F12 levels
- Currently supports C/H/O/N, with an emphasis on cyclic molecules
- New pathways added for lone-pair multiple-bond resonance, replacing
two pathways which were more specific - New pathways added for aryne resonance
- Aromatic resonance pathways simplified and refactored to use filtration
- Kekule structures are now considered unreactive structures
- New pathways added for lone-pair multiple-bond resonance, replacing
Miscellaneous changes:
- Isotope support added for reading and writing InChI strings
- New branching algorithm for picking up feedback loops implemented (beta)
- Global forbidden structure checking is now only done for core species for
efficiency, which may lead to forbidden species existing in the edge - Minor improvements to symmetry algorithm to fix a few incorrect cases
Bug fixes:
- Fixed issue where react flags were being reset when filterReactions was
used with multiple reactors, resulting in no reactions generated - File paths for collision violators log changed to output directory
- Fixed bug in local uncertainty introduced by ranged reactor changes
- Fixed bug with diffusion limitation calculations for multi-molecular reactions
- Various other minor fixes
- Fixed issue where react flags were being reset when filterReactions was