Using the plc4j integrated edgent interface to read PLC register information through modbus tcp/ip protocol on Raspberry Pi,then write the data to iotdb.
Preparations: 1.Iotdb server is running; 2.PLC ip address; 3.Iotdb ip address, port and user imformation; 4.Set ip address of Pi and PLC in the same network segment. (eth0) 5.Set ip address of Pi and iotdb in the same network segment. (wlan0) PS:You can get your ip information by inputing ifconfig in terminal.
Use: 1.Open terminal under this folder, input sh 2.Input PLC connection url,the fromat is {prorocol}://{PLC ip}:{port} For example: modbus:tcp:// 3.Input modbus registers address,the format is : {registers}:{start address}[{offset}] For example: readholdingregisters:0[1] There are four registers supported.You can input: readcoil/readdiscreteinputs to read bool registers; readholdingregisters/readinputregisters to read digital registers. 4.Input iotdb-client login information,the format is: {iotdb ip address}:{port} username password For example: root root
You will see the data flow printed when successful. Attention 1.Only support modbus:tcp protocol. 2.The data will write to root.plc4jDemo.sensor.sensor0 in iotdb default.