We characterized the genetics of 35 biomarkers in UK Biobank. We performed the association and fine-mapping analysis to prioritize the causal variants, constructed the polygenic risk score (PRS) models, and evaluated their medical relevance with causal inference and PRS-PheWAS. We demonstrate a new approach, called multi-PRS, to improve PRS by combining PRSs across traits.
: (for adjusting for statins and covariates)snakemake
: (for running the GWAS)filtration
: (for filtering GWAS results)meta
: (meta-analysis of the GWAS from multiple populations)meta_flipfix
: (flipping alleles on the meta-analysis)cascade
: (plotting of the variant effects)phewas
: (testing against other traits)
: (generation of polygenic risk scores)
We uploaded the supplementary data on figshare.
- GWAS summary statistics
- Title: The meta-analyzed GWAS summary statistics for 35 lab biomarkers described in 'Genetics of 35 blood and urine biomarkers in the UK Biobank'
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.35092/yhjc.12355382
- snpnet
- Title: The snpnet polygenic risk score coefficients for 35 lab biomarkers described in 'Genetics of 35 blood and urine biomarkers in the UK Biobank'
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.35092/yhjc.12298838
- multi-PRS
- Title: The multi-PRS weights computed with the 35 lab biomarkers described in 'Genetics of 35 blood and urine biomarkers in the UK Biobank'
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.35092/yhjc.12355424
- Phenotype file location
- Residual:
- Residual:
- GWAS summary statistics
- M-A