A very minimal, CLI based todo application
- I wanted an easy way to manage my todo list using the CLI.
- I wanted to use Rust.
Usage: t <COMMAND>
a Adds the todo item
d Marks the todo item as done
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
l Marks the todo item as done
r Removes the todo item
t a "update dependencies"
Usage: t a <ITEM>
<ITEM> Id of the todo item
- List items
t l
- Mark an item as done
t d 1
(this marks the first item in the todo as done)
Usage: t d <ID>
<ID> Id of the todo item
- Remove an item
t r t 1
(this removes the first item from the todo bucket)
t r d 1
(this removes the first item from the done bucket)
Usage: t r <BUCKET> <ID>
<BUCKET> Bucket to remove from (t for todo, d for done)
<ID> Id of the todo item