The underlying algorithm is circle-packing. That ensures that none of the shapes touch. For variety, circles are distorted (into blobs) and elongated into ellipses. A few rectangles and triangles are thrown in to break the monotony. The color is a function of the shape's xy position.
- The Code can be found here
Link to all of my Genuary2021 Creations.
I had two or three related ideas for this one.
Place circle-like shapes, that don't touch. For this, use the circle-packing algorithm, and use noise to distort the circles.
On a fine square grid, each square can either be occupied or not. Place rectilinear shapes that don't touch. This should create a tetris like object grid. (Future work)
Combine both of the above ideas. for a Blob, have to find all the mesh-squares that are 'occupied' and the other mesh squares that are off-limits. (Future work)
to recreate these images. Please run this from inside the Processing IDE, since it uses Processing.
It also uses a common file called
which you must import from the common
For most of these, I am using the Processing
Framework. Since I mostly code in Python, I use the Python extension of Processing, which is not as popular as its Java version. Also, I sometimes create small resuable code segments which I use in multiple projects. I'm sharing all my genart code, in case others find it useful.
Link to all of my Genuary2021 Creations.