Start with an isometric grid (also referred to as triangular or a Hexagonal grid). Hexagons are placed on the centers, but instead of one, place 2 hexagons in each center point. For variation, I rotate each one. Also, the color scheme of the smaller hexagon is chosen randomly from a different (red-orange-brown) palette.
- The Code can be found here
Link to all of my Genuary2021 Creations.
to recreate these images. Please run this from inside the Processing IDE, since it uses Processing.
For most of these, I am using the Processing
Framework. Since I mostly code in Python, I use the Python extension of Processing, which is not as popular as its Java version. Also, I sometimes create small resuable code segments which I use in multiple projects. I'm sharing all my genart code, in case others find it useful.
Link to all of my Genuary2021 Creations.