Other images can be found here
Starting with a vanilla version of Rule 30. Experimented with having a rotating palette of colors for 1 (instead of black). Finally, made a Rule-30 Tile, and used that in a 4x4 grid.
No use of random numbers
The Code can be found here
- Art artifact (jpeg, png or gif)
- A brief description of the end product, and possibly the thinking behind it
- Some technical notes and challenges
- Code
- References, if any
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rule_30
- https://mathworld.wolfram.com/Rule30.html
- https://mathworld.wolfram.com/ElementaryCellularAutomaton.html
This sketch uses grid.py
and colors.py
For most of these, I am using the Processing
Framework. Since I mostly code in Python, I use the Python extension of Processing, which is not as popular as its Java version. Also, I sometimes create small resuable code segments
which I use in multiple projects. I'm sharing all my genart code, in case others find it useful.