A simple and easy to use web application built using React. This website aims to provide a seamless way to listen to your favorite 24/7 live radio stream from YouTube.
Here's how you can use it:
- Go to YouTube and find a live radio stream that you would like to listen to.
- Once you have the link, head over to the Youtube Radio website.
- Add the live radio stream to the radio list.
- You can then:
- Listen to all of your added radio stations
- Adjust the volume
- Switch between stations at any time
This website is designed to be user-friendly and easy to navigate. With just a few clicks, you can have access to all of your favorite radio stations from the comfort of your own home.
Please note that this website is a personal project that is developed in my spare time. While I am still working on improving it and fixing bugs, some features may not be fully functional or complete.
Thank you for choosing Youtube Radio for your listening pleasure. You can access the website HERE.