parolla - Kelime oyunu
Günlük soruları çöz ve rekabete katıl. Kendi soru-cevap setini oluştur, oyuncuların oluşturduğu eğlenceli soruları çöz
parolla - Word game
Solve daily questions and join the competition. Create your own Q&A set and solve fun questions created by players
Created by

git clone
cd parolla
# install dependencies
yarn install
# run at localhost:3000
yarn dev
Check Nuxt2 commands for various deployment targets
parolla using static
target mode and ssr: false
# generate static project
yarn generate
# serve production mode
yarn start
# run eslint
yarn lint:eslint
# run eslint fix
yarn lint:eslint:fix
# run stylelint
yarn lint:stylelint
# run stylelint fix
yarn lint:stylelint:fix
# run prettier
yarn prettier
Using Conventional Commits, commitizen, commitizen cli
# add files
git add .
# generate commit message
yarn commit # or yarn cz
# push
git push
Using changelogen for release & changelog management, arguments are the same as changelogen
# run changelogen
yarn changelog
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