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A CLI (terminal) application that converts SecBase.h into a Swift enum called OSStatusError.


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A command-line interface (CLI) application that converts SecBase.h OSStatus codes into a Swift enum called OSStatusError.

The resulting OSStatusError will conform to the Swift protocols: Error, RawRepresentable, CustomStringConvertible and CustomDebugStringConvertible.


This application makes use of Swift's new Regex capabilities and therefore is only available on macOS 13.x (Ventura) or later.


The source is provided as a Swift package. Therefore, it can be quickly complied by simply using swift build -c release. The resulting application should be named osstatus-generator.

After doing that calling osstatus-generator will look at the default location for a SecBase.h file and output the resulting OSStatusError.swift to standard out.


Provide a path to SecBase.h or use the default. This application will find all cases of the OSStatus enum along with their codes and possible description. The comments that appear after the cases of the OSStatus enum are used to create the descriptions.

For example, assuming these lines are found in SecBase.h:

    errSecSuccess                            = 0,       /* No error. */
    errSecUnimplemented                      = -4,      /* Function or operation not implemented. */
    errSecDiskFull                           = -34,     /* The disk is full. */
    errSecDskFull __attribute__((deprecated("use errSecDiskFull"))) = errSecDiskFull,

Then an OSStatusError.swift will be generated that looks like the following:

// OSStatusError.swift
// Created by OSStatusGenerator on \(date)
// ⚠️ This file is automatically generated and should not be edited by hand. ⚠️

import Security

enum OSStatusError {
    /// No error.
    case errSecSuccess

    /// Function or operation not implemented.
    case errSecUnimplemented

    /// The disk is full.
    case errSecDiskFull

    /// Unknown OSStatus to SecBase.h
    case unknown(OSStatus)

    init(status: OSStatus) {
        if let known = OSStatusError(rawValue: status) {
            self = known
        } else {
            self = .unknown(status)

// MARK: - RawRepresentable

extension OSStatusError: RawRepresentable {
    init?(rawValue: OSStatus) {
        switch rawValue {
        case 0:
            self = .errSecSuccess
        case -4:
            self = .errSecUnimplemented
        case -34:
            self = .errSecDiskFull
            self = .unknown(rawValue)

    var rawValue: OSStatus {
        switch self {
        case .errSecSuccess:
            return 0
        case .errSecUnimplemented:
            return -4
        case .errSecDiskFull:
            return -34
        case .unknown(let rawValue):
            return rawValue

// MARK: - CustomStringConvertible

extension OSStatusError: CustomStringConvertible {
    /// A textual representation of this instance.
    /// A
    var description: String {
        switch self {
        case .errSecSuccess:
            return "No error."
        case .errSecUnimplemented:
            return "Function or operation not implemented."
        case .errSecDiskFull:
            return "The disk is full."
        case .unknown(let rawValue):
            return "The code, \(rawValue), is an unknown OSStatus to SecBase.h"

// MARK: - CustomDebugStringConvertible

extension OSStatusError: CustomDebugStringConvertible {
    /// A textual representation of this instance.
    /// A
    var debugDescription: String {
        switch self {
        case .errSecSuccess:
            return "No error. <OSStatusError.errSecSuccess: 0>"
        case .errSecUnimplemented:
            return "Function or operation not implemented. <OSStatusError.errSecUnimplemented: -4>"
        case .errSecDiskFull:
            return "The disk is full. <OSStatusError.errSecDiskFull: -34>"
        case .unknown(let rawValue):
            return "Unknown OSStatus to SecBase.h <OSStatusError.unknown: \(rawValue)>"

// MARK: - Error

extension OSStatusError: Error {
    var localizedDescription: String {
        switch self {
        case .errSecSuccess:
            return "No error. <OSStatusError.errSecSuccess: 0>"
        case .errSecUnimplemented:
            return "Function or operation not implemented. <OSStatusError.errSecUnimplemented: -4>"
        case .errSecDiskFull:
            return "The disk is full. <OSStatusError.errSecDiskFull: -34>"
        case .unknown(let rawValue):
            return "Unknown OSStatus to SecBase.h <OSStatusError.unknown: \(rawValue)>"


A CLI (terminal) application that converts SecBase.h into a Swift enum called OSStatusError.







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