Implementation of an autonomous rc car based on WayWise.
Main components:
- rc car base with brushless motor (almost anything works but, e.g., Traxxas can be recomended)
- Raspberry Pi (or similar)
- VESC motor controller
- u-blox F9R GNSS receiver (alternatively F9P plus BNO055 or VESC-internal IMU are supported)
Optional components:
- Luxonis AI stereo camera, e.g., OAK D (Lite, Pro, PoE, ...)
- Pozyx Creator Kit for UWB indoor positioning (rudimentary support)
MAVSDK 2.0 or newer is required and pre-built releases can be found at To instead build MAVSDK from source, simple scripts can be found in the WayWise repository.
# Installing MAVSDK
sudo dpkg -i libmavsdk-dev*.deb
sudo apt install git build-essential cmake libqt5serialport5-dev libgpiod-dev
git clone --recurse-submodules [email protected]:RISE-Dependable-Transport-Systems/RCCar.git
cd RCCar
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
make -j4