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R package providing preprocessing for the Regional HydroEcologic Simulation System (RHESSys).

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RHESSysPreprocessing is a set of functions to produce the required inputs for RHESSys - notably the worldfile and flowtable. The package also contains a variety of tools and utilities to facilitate other RHESSys-related tasks.


You can install RHESSysPreprocessing directly from R

# install.packages("devtools")


RHESSysPreprocessing contains a few main components:

  • RHESSysPreprocess(): An all-in-one function that runs both world_gen() and create_flownet()
  • world_gen(): Creates a worldfile for use in RHESSys (replaces g2w)
  • create_flownet(): Creates a RHESSys flowtable (replaces cf)

Other functions of note that can be used on their own:

  • template_read(): Reads a template file and produces an R list
  • update_template(): Read, modify, and/or output a new template file
  • read_world(): Reads a worldfile and creates a dataframe with catagorized variables
  • world_redefine(): Small wrapper for world_gen() for creating a redefine worldfile
  • read_in_flow(): Reads a flow table and creates an R list
  • convert_flowtable(): Converts a non-parallelized (RHESSys < 7.0) flowtable to a parallelized flowtable
  • build_meta(): Builds a metadata file.
  • spatial_input_gen(): Expirimental all-in-one script to generate RHESSys spatial inputs/maps, uses GRASS 7


Developed originally using R Version 3.4.0. May be incompatible with older R versions Compatible with raster data - tested with GeoTIFF and ASCII, but all standard GDAL formats should be supported. See Previously was compatible with GRASS GIS - versions 6.4.x and 7.x. Those GIS input methods are no longer being actively supported and may be removed in future versions.



  1. All-in-one
    1. Open the set-up/example vignette “Run_RHESSysPreprocess.Rmd”
    2. Follow the instructions included in the script, and make edits to customize for your uses.
    3. Script will run the RHESSysPreprocess.R function, and produce a worldfile and flowtable.
  2. Run separately
    1. Run world_gen.R and create_flownet.R
    2. For information on respective inputs, consult their help pages: help(world_gen) & help(create_flownet)


To run the hillslope parallelized version of RHESSys (develop branch - Dec, 2018), you must have a hillslope parallelized flowtable. This can be done either by re-generating the flowtable from original inputs (preferred), or converting an existing flowtable. Currently (1/14/19) the develop branch should automatically produce a hillslope parallelized flowtable.

Generate from original inputs:

  1. Setup RHESSysPreprocess.R or create_flownet.R as normal (see above instructions and included example R scripts)
  2. Set argument parallel = TRUE
  3. Set make_stream argument if desired (default is 4, can be set to any integer, or TRUE)
    • The “make_stream” argument defines the distance from an existing stream where a patch/cell can be coerced to be a stream. Since all hillslopes must have stream outlets, if a hillslope outlet exists outside of the distance threshold set by “make_stream”, an error will occur and indicate the problem hillslope and outlet patch of that hillslope. This typically occurs as an artifact of how watershed analysis is done, and hillslopes are created, which sometimes results in fragmented or very small/skinny hillslopes, far away from streams.
    • If you don’t care about fragmented hillslopes (and just want your flowtable to work), set “make_stream” to TRUE, and all hillslope outlets will become stream patches, and will route to the stream correctly.

Convert from existing:

  1. Use the convert_flowtable.R function and set your existing flowtable as the input.
  2. See above notes on the “make_stream” argument, which behaves the same here.

Additional Information

The RHESSysPreprocessing package features R help documentation with more information on each individual function, accessible via ? or help(), see in particular: help(RHESSysPreprocess), help(world_gen), and help(create_flownet).

A wide variety of information on RHESSys itself is available on the RHESSys Github wiki page

If you encounter bugs in RHESSysPreprocessing, please add an issue for it!