Telegram bot to test RGB payments on the Lightning Network.
It requires a running instance of rgb-lightning-node (RLN).
First, clone the project:
git clone
Then obtain an API token that is necessary to create the Telegram bot.
The token can be obtained by contacting @BotFather
on Telegram, issuing
the /newbot
command and following the steps.
Once you obtained the token you can copy the sample config file (cp config.ini.sample config.ini
) and set the API_TOKEN
key to its value.
Then, issue an asset on your RGB LN node and set the ASSET_ID
key of the
config file to its ID.
Finally, provided you have poetry installed, you can install and run the bot executing:
poetry install
poetry run bot
When developing, you can run the following utilities:
# lint code
poetry run pylint rgb_ln_telegram_bot
# format code
poetry run black rgb_ln_telegram_bot
# check code quality
poetry run pylama rgb_ln_telegram_bot
# sort imports
poetry run isort --profile black rgb_ln_telegram_bot
# find unused code
poetry run vulture rgb_ln_telegram_bot
# check compliance with docstring conventions
poetry run pydocstyle rgb_ln_telegram_bot