or email [email protected]
Use a website to configure and program your robot without writing any code.
Template code for your robot, uses PlatformIO/C++/Arduino
Original Arduino code template for the first version of RCM boards.
useful bits of code are here
- useful code for using RCM V4s
- useful code for using BYTEs
- useful code for using Nibbles
- useful code for using original RCMs
- useful code for using RCM D1s
- useful code for using Alfredo Systems NoU2s
- useful code for using Alfredo Systems NoU3s
RCM 1, 2, and 3 the originals
- 4 motors
- 5 servos
- battery monitoring
- runs from 5 NiMH AA batteries
- all components are hand-solderable through-hole parts
- get printed circuit boards ("V3") or build by hand from a perf board ("V1")
RCM 4 a better through-hole hand-solderable RCM
- 2 x 3 inches, 50.8 x 76.2 mm
- 4 motors and 7 servos OR 6 motors and 3 servos
- runs from 5 NiMH AA batteries OR (need to test) 4.5-20v with the addition of voltage regulators
- all components are hand-solderable through-hole parts
- Qwiic-Compatible
RCM BYTE a smaller yet more capable design
- about 1.25x1.25 inches
- 8 motors
- 8 servos
- battery monitoring
- I2C connector on QT PY
- runs on 3-11 volts
RCM NIBBLE it's half a BYTE
- about 1x1 inches
- 4 motors
- 4 servos
- 2 additional GPIO pins
- built-in IMU
- battery monitoring
- I2C connector on QT PY
- runs on 3-11 volts
RCM D1 lowest cost RCM
- 1.75 by 1.575 inches, 44.45 by 40.0 millimeters
- 2 motors (one L293D)
- 2 servos OR qwiic connector
- Qwiic-Compatible
- runs on 4 NiMH AAs
- battery monitoring
- uses a Wemos D1 mini with esp8266 CPU
- Reads 8 quadrature encoders
- 1.0x0.85 inches
- I2C (Qwiic Compatible)
- powered by an ATMega328PB
- hand solderable surface mount components
Example of controlling an omnidirectional robot from ROS2
All these boards are also shared on PCBWay
PCBWay sponsored some of the prototyping runs of these boards. PCBWay provides great customer support and produces good boards.