This is a TypeScript implementation of the Open Telecom Platform (OTP) inspired on the Gleam OTP, aiming on making multithreading easier in the JS/TS ecosystem.
You can easily install it with
npm install ts-otp
It is compatible with any environment which fully supports the Web Worker API (JS multithreading natives) and the URL API, including most modern browsers (both Desktop and Mobile) as well as Deno. But it IS NOT compatible with Node.
In incompatible environments (such as Node) all processes will gracefully degrade into normal Promises ran in the Event Loop.
Processes are the building block for all other models, they are represented as Promises due to their asynchronous nature, but they are actually run on a different thread. Working directly with processes should be avoided in favor of other models.
The Process identifier (Pid) is an object used to manage different processes. Every active process has a Pid, which contains an unique numeric ID and a reference to a Web Worker. You should interact with neither, and simply use the Pid object itself as an abstraction for the process.
Selectos enable you to listen to messages from multiple processes, returning whichever message arrives first.
ProcessMonitors watch specific processes and notify the main process in case they exit.
Starts a new process with the informed code implementation and returns a new Pid.
const pid = process.start(foo => foo.args * 2);
Sends a signal to the process gently asking it to commit seppuku. Once the process is killed, the link between it and the Pid is broken.
Implementation note (feel free to skip): Started threads are never actually killed, unless an error which they can not recover from happens. Routinely, they only have their caches cleaned and their references nulled and then are labelled as "iddle" in order to be reused the next time you call the start() function. This is done to avoid the massive overhead which comes from terminating threads and starting new ones in JavaScript.
Informes whether a given process is still active.
if (process.isAlive(pid)) {
Gives a name to process, so that you can easily find it later. A process can only have one name and a name can only reference a single process.
if (process.register(pid, 'number duplicator') instanceof Result.Ok) {
// π
} else {
// π
Removes the name from a process.
process.unregister('my old number duplicator');
Searches for a process with the given name.
const res = process.named('number duplicator');
if (res instanceof Option.Some) {
const pid = res.value;
Sends a message to a process.
if (pid.subject) {
process.send(pid.subject, 100);
Sends a message to a process after the specified delay. It returns a Timer which can be used to cancel the operation before it finishes (see cancelTimer
let myTimer: Timer;
if (pid.subject) {
myTimer = process.sendAfter(pid.subject, 500, 100);
Cancels a timed operation if it has not completed yet (see sendAfter
Receives a message from a process
if (pid.subject) {
process.receive(pid.subject, 500)
.then(response => {
if (response instanceof Result.Ok) {
// do something
} else {
// timeout
Sends a message to a process and waits for a reponse within the specified time.
const pid = process.start(foo => foo.args * 2);!, 100, 500)
.then(response => {
if (response instanceof Result.Ok) {
console.log(response.value); // 200
} else {
.catch(timeoutError => {
console.error('timeout', timeoutError);
Sends a message to a process and waits for a response within the specified time. Unlike call
, with this function the Promise is guaranteed to resolve, even if with an error.
const pid = process.start(foo => foo.args * 2);
process.tryCall(pid.subject!, 100, 500)
.then(response => {
if (response instanceof Result.Ok) {
console.log(response.value); // 200
} else {
Receive a message that has been sent to current process using any of the subjects that have been added to the Selector with the selecting
const mySelector = new process.Selector<any>();
/* add something to the selector */
const response = await, 200);
Similar to the select
function but will wait forever for a message to arrive rather than timing out after a specified amount of time.
const mySelector = new process.Selector<any>();
/ * add something to the selector */
const response = await process.selectForever(mySelector);
Adds a new subject to a Selector and receives a mapping function to transform the value received from the subject into the value expected by the Selector.
let mySelector = new process.Selector<string>();
mySelector = process.selecting(mySelector, pid.subject!, value => value.toString());
Start monitoring a process so that when the monitored process exits a message is sent to the monitoring process.
const monitor = process.monitorProcess(pid);
Stop monitoring a process.
Adds a ProcessMonitor to a Selector (similar to the selecting
function, but for ProcessMonitors instead of subjects).
let mySelector = new process.Selector<any>();
mySelector = process.selectingProcessDown(mySelector, monitor, pd => false);
Tasks represent simple functions which can only receive inputs once and only outputs once
Spawn a task process that calls a given function in order to perform some work. The result of this function is send back to the parent and can be received using the awaitWithTimeout
const myTask = task.async(foo => foo.args * 2, 100);
Wait for the value computed by a task. If the a value is not received before the timeout has elapsed or if the task process crashes then this function rejects.
task.awaitWithTimeout(myTask, 500)
.then(response => console.log(response)) // 200
.catch(error => console.error(error));
Wait for the value computed by a task. If the a value is not received before the timeout has elapsed or if the task process crashes then an error is returned.
task.tryAwait(myTask, 500)
.then(response => {
if (response instanceof Result.Ok) {
console.log(response.value); // 200
} else if (response.detail instanceof AwaitError.Timeout) {
} else {
Wait endlessly for the value computed by a task. Be Careful! This function does not return until there is a value to receive. If a value is not received then the process will be stuck waiting forever.
.then(response => {
if (response instanceof Result.Ok) {
console.log(response.value); // 200
} else {