cosmos-wallets-exporter is a Prometheus scraper that fetches the wallet balances from an LCD server exposed by a fullnode.
If you have a wallet that does transactions on an app's behalf without your interaction and will stop working correctly if it cannot broadcast transactions anymore due to zero balance and not enough tokens to pay for transaction fee (some examples: Axelar's broadcaster; Sentinel's dVPN node; ReStake's bot wallets; faucets), you can use this tool to scrape the balances to Prometheus and build alerts if a wallet balance falls under a specific threshold.
First, you need to download the latest release from the releases page. After that, you should unzip it, and you are ready to go:
wget <the link from the releases page>
tar xvfz <file you just downloaded>
Alternatively, you can build it from source (golang >= 1.18 is required):
git clone
cd cosmos-wallets-exporter
# Either build it (this will put the resulting binary into the current folder)...
make build
# ... or install it, which will put the resulting binary into $GOPATH/bin
make install
To run it detached, you need to run it as a systemd service. First, we have to copy the file to the system apps folder:
sudo cp ./cosmos-wallets-exporter /usr/bin
Then we need to create a systemd service for our app:
sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/cosmos-wallets-exporter.service
You can use this template (change the user to whatever user you want this to be executed from. It's advised to create a separate user for that instead of running it from root):
Description=Cosmos Wallets Exporter
ExecStart=cosmos-wallets-exporter --config <path to config>
Then we'll add this service to autostart and run it:
sudo systemctl daemon-reload # reflect the systemd file change
sudo systemctl enable cosmos-wallets-exporter # enable the scraper to run on system startup
sudo systemctl start cosmos-wallets-exporter # start it
sudo systemctl status cosmos-wallets-exporter # validate it's running
If you need to, you can also see the logs of the process:
sudo journalctl -u cosmos-wallets-exporter -f --output cat
Here's the example of the Prometheus config you can use for scraping data:
- job_name: 'cosmos-wallets-exporter'
scrape_interval: 30s
- targets:
- localhost:9550 # replace localhost with scraper IP if it's on the other host
Then restart Prometheus and you're good to go!
All the metrics provided by cosmos-wallets-exporter have the cosmos_wallets_exporter_
as a prefix, here's the list of the exposed metrics:
- wallet balance in tokens.cosmos_wallets_exporter_price
- a price of 1 token on chain.cosmos_wallets_exporter_success
- a count of successful queries for chain.cosmos_wallets_exporter_error
- a count of failed queries for chain. You may use it in alerting to get notified if some of your requests are failing because the node is down.cosmos_wallets_exporter_timings
- time it took to get a response from an LCD endpoint, in seconds.
All configuration is done via the .toml config file, which is passed to the application via the --config
app parameter. Check config.example.toml
for a config reference.
Bug reports and feature requests are always welcome! If you want to contribute, feel free to open issues or PRs.