This is a project to test my abilities in JavaScript.
The goal of this project is to create a random message generator that generates a new message every time the action button is activated.
The program will create messages for a Psychic to read the future of user.
Messeges will have three components:
- A starter line, saying that she is seeing in the future that something will happen.
- A verb
- An action based on which kind of verb was randomly selected
This language will be used for the back-end design of the project.
Main concepts used:
- Arrays and their functions.
- Functions.
- Math object.
- Conditionals.
- Switch statements.
Used to construct a simple interface so the user can press the action button and get the results.
Main concepts used:
- Semantic elements
- Responsive Design
The witch drawing was created by an AI (not mine), from the website tinywow
- To write README file