The developer is in no way responisble for your actions or what you use this program for its made strictly for educational purposes. Any misuse of is in no way any of my responisbilty. You can face up to 20 years jail time for email spamming. Use this for testing purposes only and don't use it for evil.
python3 to install it use the command
sudo apt-get install python3
git clone
cd EmailSpammer
First of all you will be asked to enter the email of the victim. In this section type the email of the person you're trying to spam.
Next you will be asked to choose an option. This is how many emails you want to send if you want to send 1000 press 1 if you want to send 500 press 2 if you want to send 250 press 3 and to send a custom amount (Not listed) press 4 then enter the amount you want to send.
After you've done that it will ask you to choose an email provider. I recommend pressing 3 (for outlook) as its the best one and you can send up to 500 emails per a day. Your email could get banned so I recommend creating a new one. Next enter the email you just made then your password.
You will be asked to enter a subject if you want to you can write whatever you want but you can press enter and completely skip it you will be asked to enter a message too but just press enter and thats it. If you see it begining an attack that means it worked if you get a error log onto your email. In most cases it will ask you to verify your email. After that you'd be good to go.
Thats all you have to do but if you want to support me check out my youtube channel