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Winter 2021 SOEN 390 minicap repository for Kapp Industries (Team 19). Concordia University. alt text

(Deployed with Heroku and Netlify)

Admin Login

You can login into the application by using the following credentials:

Intallation/Setup Guide



  • Node.js is installed
  • MongoDB is installed


  1. Download/Clone the project locally
  2. Open a terminal (eg. Cmd on windows)
  3. Navigate to the project root (C:/.../SOEN390_19/).
  4. Client Setup
    4.1. Go into the Client/ directory: cd Client/
    4.2. Install Client's dependencies: npm install
    4.3. Ensure the node_modules directory was generated.
    4.4. Start running Client with: npm start
    (React should've opened a new browser window)
    4.5. Move process to the background by hitting Ctrl+Z. 4.6. Return active directory to project root: cd ..
  5. Server Setup
    5.1. Go into the Server/ directory: cd Server/
    5.2. Install Server's dependencies: npm install
    5.3. Ensure the node_modules directory was generated.
    5.4. Start running Server with: npm start
    5.5. Move process to the background by hitting Ctrl+Z.
    5.6. Return active directory to project root: cd ..
  6. Both Client and Server are setup and running
  7. Connect to Client (if not already) in a browser using the link: localhost:3000

Running tests with jest

  1. Open a terminal (eg. Cmd on windows)
  2. Navigate to the project root (C:/.../SOEN390_19/).
  3. Navigate to the test directory: cd Server/__tests__/
  4. Run jest with: npm test
  5. Tests suites are run with the output displayed to the terminal.

Via Docker


  • Docker is running


  1. Download/Clone the project locally
  2. Open a terminal (eg. Cmd on windows)
  3. Navigate to the project root (C:/.../SOEN390_19/).
  4. In a text editor, uncomment line 46 in SOEN390_19/Server/src/app.js and save.
  5. Build a fresh container docker using: docker-compose build --no-cache
  6. Input the following command: docker-compose up
  7. Wait for the containers & images to to generate.
  8. Assure that there are three containers running in SOEN390_19:
    • kapp-docker-react on port 80
    • kapp-docker-express on port 5000
    • mongo on port 27017
  9. Client, Server, and DB are running
  10. Connect to Client in a browser using the link: localhost

Additional Setups for Devs

Running in a local environment

To run the the application in a local environment the following additional steps must be made:

  • Change the value of site_root_from_config in 'SOEN390_19/Client/src/config.json' to "http://localhost:5000"
  • Uncomment line 45 in SOEN390_19/Server/src/app.js

Additional MongoDB Options

There are three possible avenues for the mongoDB connection:

  1. Cloud MongoDB Atlas (Default)
  2. Local MongoDB Instance
  3. Docker MongoDB Instance

If you wish to change the connection, comment/uncomment the appropriate 'db_link' variable value on lines 44-46 in 'SOEN390_19/Server/src/app.js' and save the change prior to starting the application.