Winter 2021 SOEN 390 minicap repository for Kapp Industries (Team 19). Concordia University.
(Deployed with Heroku and Netlify)
You can login into the application by using the following credentials:
- Email: [email protected]
- Password: administrator
- Node.js is installed
- MongoDB is installed
- Download/Clone the project locally
- Open a terminal (eg. Cmd on windows)
- Navigate to the project root (C:/.../SOEN390_19/).
- Client Setup
4.1. Go into the Client/ directory:cd Client/
4.2. Install Client's dependencies:npm install
4.3. Ensure the node_modules directory was generated.
4.4. Start running Client with:npm start
(React should've opened a new browser window)
4.5. Move process to the background by hitting Ctrl+Z. 4.6. Return active directory to project root:cd ..
- Server Setup
5.1. Go into the Server/ directory:cd Server/
5.2. Install Server's dependencies:npm install
5.3. Ensure the node_modules directory was generated.
5.4. Start running Server with:npm start
5.5. Move process to the background by hitting Ctrl+Z.
5.6. Return active directory to project root:cd ..
- Both Client and Server are setup and running
- Connect to Client (if not already) in a browser using the link: localhost:3000
- Open a terminal (eg. Cmd on windows)
- Navigate to the project root (C:/.../SOEN390_19/).
- Navigate to the test directory:
cd Server/__tests__/
- Run jest with:
npm test
- Tests suites are run with the output displayed to the terminal.
- Docker is running
- Download/Clone the project locally
- Open a terminal (eg. Cmd on windows)
- Navigate to the project root (C:/.../SOEN390_19/).
- In a text editor, uncomment line 46 in SOEN390_19/Server/src/app.js and save.
- Build a fresh container docker using:
docker-compose build --no-cache
- Input the following command:
docker-compose up
- Wait for the containers & images to to generate.
- Assure that there are three containers running in SOEN390_19:
- kapp-docker-react on port 80
- kapp-docker-express on port 5000
- mongo on port 27017
- Client, Server, and DB are running
- Connect to Client in a browser using the link: localhost
To run the the application in a local environment the following additional steps must be made:
- Change the value of
in 'SOEN390_19/Client/src/config.json' to "http://localhost:5000" - Uncomment line 45 in SOEN390_19/Server/src/app.js
There are three possible avenues for the mongoDB connection:
- Cloud MongoDB Atlas (Default)
- Local MongoDB Instance
- Docker MongoDB Instance
If you wish to change the connection, comment/uncomment the appropriate 'db_link' variable value on lines 44-46 in 'SOEN390_19/Server/src/app.js' and save the change prior to starting the application.