A clone of "Days of Ruin" (2008) written in Typescript with Pixi.js, and a sound API when I get around to it.
You can play the current public build here.
Progress is slow only because I have responsibilities and I feel guilty working on this instead.
Currently features:
- Random map generation.
- Map tiles which auto-configure their sprites to match their surroundings, creating seemless, beautiful landscapes (chefskiss).
- Authentic cursor controls (whoopee.)
- A turn engine which makes turn-state scripting simple. I just flip UI switches: this is on, that isn't on, etc.
- Pathfinding for unit travel, and unit travel animation.
- A working camera. It zooms!
- Attacks, technically. You can't do it in the public build yet; I haven't finished designing the command menu.
- Complete (or near complete, I forget) unit and terrain properties, assembled into discrete class-types via python code generation.
- A scene-pattern style architecture I have yet to take advantage of. But see, I plan for the future. That's why I'm a special boy.