Repository for storing networks and their forward data.
The data in this repository is used by the main MONAI repository as a unit test. This repository is checked out, the environmantal variable is MONAI_EXTRA_TEST_DATA
is set and then the unit test can be run.
git clone --depth 1
git clone --depth 1
export MONAI_EXTRA_TEST_DATA=MONAI-extra-test-data
pip install --user --upgrade -r requirements-min.txt
python -m unittest -v tests/
# model name
model_name = "UNet"
# network params
params = {
"dimensions" : 3,
"in_channels" : 4,
"out_channels" : 2,
"channels": (4, 8, 16, 32),
"strides": (2, 4, 1),
"kernel_size" : 5,
"up_kernel_size" : 3,
"num_res_units": 2,
"act": "relu",
"dropout": 0.1,
# in shape
input_shape = (1, params["in_channels"], 64, 64, 64)
# create data
create_model_test_data(model_name, params, input_shape)