EdgeDeviceLLMCompetition track 2 final submission
Model: [p2o6e100/nGPT_800m · Hugging Face] https://huggingface.co/p2o6e100/nGPT_800m
Model: [p2o6e100/nGPT_800m_MLC · Hugging Face] https://huggingface.co/p2o6e100/nGPT_800m_MLC
Check Result.csv
mlc_llm convert_weight --model-type ${MODEL_TYPE} ./dist/models/${MODEL_NAME}/ --quantization q0f16 -o dist/$MODEL_NAME/
mlc_llm gen_config --model-type ${MODEL_TYPE} ./dist/models/${MODEL_NAME}/ --quantization q0f16 --conv-template llama3_1 --prefill-chunk-size 768 --context-window-size 768 --max-batch-size 1 -o dist/${MODEL_NAME}/
After gen_config, go to .dist/models/decomp_llama/mlc-chat-config.json
and set "system_prefix_token_ids"
under "conv_template"
as bos_token_id, "stop_token_ids"
as eos_token_id and set "stop_str"
as []
Then, compile the model
mlc_llm compile --model-type ${MODEL_TYPE} dist/${MODEL_NAME}/mlc-chat-config.json --device android -o ./dist/libs/${MODEL_NAME}-android.tar
go to ./cpp/serve/config.h and change default max_tokens from -1 to 128
go to ./android/MLCChat, replace mlc-package-config.json with the one we provided
mlc_llm package
Use android studio Build/Generation Signed App Bundle/APK to generate apk
use python bundle_weight.py --apk-path app/release/app-release-signed.apk to transfer weight from computer to mobile phone
Our bundle_weight.py
is the same as the original one so either script works. Our bundle_weight.py
can be found in assets