- 📫 How to reach me [email protected]
Sl No. | Title | Description |
1 | Prathica Shetty M | This is my GitHub Readme file |
Sl No. | Title |
1 | Data Structures and Algorithms using Java |
2 | Java OOPs |
3 | Git Tutorials |
4 | HTML CSS Tutorial |
5 | TailwindCSS miniprojects - 1 |
6 | TailwindCSS miniprojects - 2 |
7 | Tailwind CSS Blog page |
8 | JavaScript |
9 | ReactJS - 1 |
10 | ReactJS - 2 |
11 | React Redux |
12 | ReactJS - 1 assignment |
13 | ReactJS - 2 assignment |
14 | MySQL |
15 | Python Programming |
16 | NPTEL R Programming (Part of RVCE) |
Sl No. | Title | Description |
1 | Calculator JS | This is a simple Calculator using HTML, CSS and JavaScript |
2 | Todo JS | This is a simple Todo App using HTML, CSS and JavaScript |
3 | Blog Page JS | This is a simple Simple Blog Page using HTML, CSS and JavaScript |
4 | Digital Clock JS | This is a simple Digital Clock using HTML, CSS and JavaScript |
5 | Quiz App JS | This is a simple Quiz App using HTML, CSS and JavaScript |
6 | Weather App JS | This is a Weather app using Open Weather API using HTML, CSS and JavaScript |
7 | E-commerce page JS | This is an Ecommerce page using FakeStore API using HTML, CSS and JavaScript |
8 | IoT Security QuizApp | This is an IoT Security Quiz app using JavaScript (part of EL project 3rd Sem RVCE) |
Sl No. | Title | Description |
1 | Tic Tac Toe | This is a Tic-Tac-Toe Application built using ReactJS |
2 | Pokedex | This is a PokeDex Application using ReactJS and PokeAPI |
3 | CodeAcad* | This is the frontend of a Learning Management System using ReactJS and Tailwind CSS |
4 | React Gallery* | This is a Gallery Application using ReactJS |
5 | React Todo* | This is a of a Todo App using ReactJS and Tailwind CSS |
Sl No. | Title | Description |
1 | SupplyChain Financial Fraud Detection |
Identifies Financial fraud in SupplyChain LSTM model (part of EL project 4th sem RVCE) |
2 | Concrete Strength Prediction using XGBoost | Predicts the strength of concrete using inputs of materials used in concrete (part of EL project 5th sem RVCE) |