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chore: Make Celery Queue Depth page less (#794) #513

chore: Make Celery Queue Depth page less (#794)

chore: Make Celery Queue Depth page less (#794) #513

# This is an e2e test to deploy PostHog on Amazon Web Services using Helm.
# - run k8s spec test
name: e2e - Amazon Web Services (install)
# Please do not add 'pull_request' here as without the proper
# GitHub settings might lead 3rd party users to run commands
# into our cloud account for testing
- main
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
if: github.repository == 'PostHog/charts-clickhouse'
# These permissions are needed to interact with GitHub's OIDC Token endpoint.
# We use OpenID Connect (OIDC) to allow this GitHub Action to access and manage
# AWS resources without needing to store the AWS credentials as long-lived GitHub secrets.
# see:
id-token: write
contents: write
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Configure AWS credentials
uses: aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials@v1
role-to-assume: arn:aws:iam::${{ secrets.AWS_ACCOUNT_ID }}:role/${{ secrets.AWS_ROLE_TO_ASSUME }}
aws-region: us-east-1
role-duration-seconds: 7200
- name: Install doctl to manage '' DNS
uses: digitalocean/action-doctl@v2
token: ${{ secrets.DIGITALOCEAN_ACCESS_TOKEN }}
- name: Install eksctl to easily manage EKS clusters
run: |
curl --silent --location "${EKSCTL_VERSION}/eksctl_$(uname -s)_amd64.tar.gz" | tar xz
./eksctl version
- name: Declare variables that we can share across steps
id: vars
run: |
TEST_NAME="helm-test-e2e-aws-$(date '+%F')-$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)"
echo "k8s_cluster_name=${TEST_NAME}" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
echo "dns_record=${TEST_NAME}" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
echo "fqdn_record=${TEST_NAME}" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
- name: Deploy a new k8s cluster
id: k8s_cluster_creation
run: |
# note: we manually specify all the AZs in the region to reduce the
# possibility AWS runs out of capacity in a single one, making this
# test fail.
./eksctl create cluster \
--name ${{ steps.vars.outputs.k8s_cluster_name }} \
--region=us-east-1 \
--zones="us-east-1a,us-east-1b,us-east-1c,us-east-1d,us-east-1f" \
--instance-types="m6i.xlarge" \
--tags="provisioned_by=github_action" \
--version 1.24 \
--nodes 3
# EKS clusters use IAM users and roles to control access to the cluster.
# The rules are implemented in a config map called aws-auth.
# eksctl provides commands to read and edit this config map.
./eksctl create iamidentitymapping \
--cluster ${{ steps.vars.outputs.k8s_cluster_name }} \
--region us-east-1 \
--arn arn:aws:iam::${{ secrets.AWS_ACCOUNT_ID }}:role/OrganizationAccountAccessRole \
--username admin \
--group system:masters
- name: Install PostHog using the Helm chart
id: helm_install
run: |
helm upgrade --install \
-f ci/values/amazon_web_services.yaml \
--set "ingress.hostname=${{ steps.vars.outputs.fqdn_record }}" \
--timeout 30m \
--create-namespace \
--namespace posthog \
posthog ./charts/posthog \
--wait-for-jobs \
# Wait for all k8s resources to be ready.
# Despite the --wait flag used in the command above
# there is no guarantee that all the resources will be deployed
# when the command returns.
# Why can't we directly use the 'action-k8s-await-workloads' step below?
# Because it's not working for this use case
# ref:
- name: Workaround - wait for all the PostHog resources in k8s to be ready
timeout-minutes: 15
run: ./ci/
- name: Workaround - wait for the AWS load balancer to be ready
timeout-minutes: 15
run: |
echo "Waiting for the AWS Load Balancer to be ready..."
while [ -z "$load_balancer_external_hostname" ];
echo " sleeping 10 seconds" && sleep 10
load_balancer_external_hostname=$(kubectl get ingress -n posthog posthog -o jsonpath="{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].hostname}")
echo "The AWS Load Balancer is now ready!"
- name: Wait until all the resources are fully deployed in k8s
uses: jupyterhub/action-k8s-await-workloads@main
namespace: "posthog"
timeout: 300
max-restarts: 10
- name: Create the DNS record
id: dns_creation
run: |
# Get the Load Balancer IP address
load_balancer_external_hostname=$(kubectl get ingress -n posthog posthog -o jsonpath="{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].hostname}")
# Create the DNS record
doctl compute domain records create \ \
--record-type CNAME \
--record-ttl 60 \
--record-name "${{ steps.vars.outputs.dns_record }}" \
--record-data "${load_balancer_external_hostname}."
- name: Setup PostHog for the ingestion test
run: ./ci/
- name: Set PostHog endpoints to use for the ingestion test
run: |
echo "POSTHOG_API_ENDPOINT=http://${{ steps.vars.outputs.fqdn_record }}" | tee -a "$GITHUB_ENV"
echo "POSTHOG_EVENT_ENDPOINT=http://${{ steps.vars.outputs.fqdn_record }}" | tee -a "$GITHUB_ENV"
- name: Run ingestion test using k6
uses: k6io/[email protected]
filename: ci/k6/ingestion-test.js
- name: Emit namespace report
uses: jupyterhub/action-k8s-namespace-report@v1
if: always()
namespace: posthog
- name: Delete the k8s cluster and all the associated resources
if: ${{ always() && steps.k8s_cluster_creation.outcome == 'success' }}
run: |
./eksctl delete cluster \
--region=us-east-1 \
--name=${{ steps.vars.outputs.k8s_cluster_name }} \
--force \
- name: Delete the DNS record
if: ${{ always() && steps.dns_creation.outcome == 'success' }}
run: |
DNS_RECORD_ID=$(doctl compute domain records list --no-header --format ID,Name | grep ${{ steps.vars.outputs.dns_record }} | awk '{print $1}')
doctl compute domain records delete \ \
--force \