Bash library to use SQLite in bash scripts
- sqlite3
Tested with sqlite 3.13.0 in ArchLinux
Import the library into your script
source sqlite_lib.bash
Call sqlite_create_fetch_array with two parameters: the first is the sqlite db file, the second is the sqlite query (must be in quotes).
sqlite_create_fetch_array db.sqlite "SELECT id, Name, Surname FROM Customers"
The function sets two variables:
- num_rows contains the number of rows of the query result
- rows (bidimensional array) contains the data. The first index is the row result index, the second is the Column name of the result data
for (( i = 0; i < num_rows; i++ )); do
echo ${rows[$i,"id"]} ${rows[$i,"Name"]} ${rows[$i,"Surname"]}
source sqlite_lib.bash
sqlite_create_fetch_array db.sqlite "SELECT id, Name, Surname FROM Customers"
for (( i = 0; i < num_rows; i++ )); do
echo ${rows[$i,"id"]} ${rows[$i,"Name"]} ${rows[$i,"Surname"]}