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Mamba Lens

A port of transformer lens for Mamba.


pip install git+

This will also install the required dependencies: transformer-lens torch einops jaxtyping

If you want to use the cuda kernels (not required, just nice for faster inference), you will need further installation.

See the Optimizations section below.

How do I use it?

Just like transformer lens! It has all the same functionality as HookedTransformer. For example:

from mamba_lens import HookedMamba
model = HookedMamba.from_pretrained("state-spaces/mamba-370m", device='cuda')

# Run the model and get logits and activations
logits, activations = model.run_with_cache("Hello World")

What hooks are available?

As a reminder:

B = Batch = batch size
L = context len
D = d_model = 1024
E = d_inner = d_in = 2048
N = d_state = 16
D_delta = dt_rank = 64
D_conv = d_conv = 4
V = vocab_size = 50280
Pre-reqs (silu, softplus, rmsnorm)


$$\text{silu}(x) = x*\text{sigmoid}(x)$$



$$\text{sigmoid}(x) = \frac{1}{1+e^{-x}}$$



$$\text{softplus}(x) = \log(1+e^{x})$$


Note: as softplus is basically linear for large x, after x>20 implementations usually just turn it into $\text{softplus}(x) = x$


class RMSNorm(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self,
                 d: int,
                 eps: float = 1e-5):
        self.eps = eps
        self.weight = nn.Parameter(torch.ones(d))

    def forward(self, x):
        output = x * torch.rsqrt(x.pow(2).mean(-1, keepdim=True) + self.eps) * self.weight
        return output

It may be useful to just look at Still, here's each hook with a breif summary, in the order they are encountered:

hook_embed : [B,L,D]

The embedded tokens

# [B,L,D]                      [B,L]
input_embed   = self.embedding(input)
resid         = self.hook_embed(input_embed) # [B,L,D] 

Hooks for each layer

This loop is ran over all the layers:

for layer in self.blocks:
    resid = layer(resid)

Here are the hooks for each layer.

Replace {layer} with layer index, for example, blocks.3.hook_skip is the hook_skip for the 4th layer (they are zero-indexed)

blocks.{layer}.hook_resid_pre : [B,L,D]

Layer input

resid = self.hook_resid_pre(resid)

blocks.{layer}.hook_layer_input : [B,L,D]

Same as hook_resid_pre, but .clone() is called

This is useful if you want to modify the inputs to this layer without modifying the residual stream

resid_input = resid
if hook_has_hooks(self.hook_layer_input):
    resid_input = resid.clone() # clones are expensive, only do it if we need to
resid_input = self.hook_layer_input(resid_input) # [B,L,D]

blocks.{layer}.hook_normalized_input : [B,L,D]

Layer input after normalization (RMSNorm)

resid_norm = self.norm(  resid_input  ) # RMSNorm
resid_norm = self.hook_normalized_input(  resid_norm  ) # [B,L,D]

blocks.{layer}.hook_skip : [B,L,E]

Skip vector

skip = self.skip_proj(resid_norm) # no bias
skip = self.hook_skip(skip) # [B,L,E]

blocks.{layer}.hook_in_proj : [B,L,E]

Input, projected into d_inner (E) space

x_in = self.in_proj(resid_norm) # no bias
x_in = self.hook_in_proj(x_in) # [B,L,E]

Note: You may be familiar with in_proj returning a [B,L,2*E] sized vector, which is then split into x_in and skip. In our implementation we split the in_proj from the original implementation into skip_proj and in_proj (this is numerically equivalent).

blocks.{layer}.hook_conv : [B,L,E]

Output of conv

x_conv     = rearrange(x_in, 'B L E -> B E L')
# [B,E,L+d_conv-1]
x_conv_out = self.conv1d(   x_conv   )
# [B,L+d_conv-1,E]
x_conv_out = rearrange(x_conv_out, 'B E L -> B L E')
# Say d_conv is 4, this clipping makes the [:,l,:] pos a conv over (l-3, l-2, l-1, l) positions
# [B,L,E]
x_conv_out_cutoff = x_conv_out[:,:L,:]
x_conv_out_cutoff = self.hook_conv(x_conv_out_cutoff) # [B,L,E]

blocks.{layer}.hook_ssm_input : [B,L,E]

The input to the ssm, this is the output of conv after applying silu (smooth relu)

x = F.silu( x_conv_out_cutoff )
x = self.hook_ssm_input(x) # [B,L,E]

blocks.{layer}.hook_h_start : [B,E,N]

The initial hidden state (always initialized to zero vector)

h = torch.zeros([Batch,E,N], device=self.cfg.device)
h = self.hook_h_start(h) 

blocks.{layer}.hook_delta_1 : [B,L,D_delta]

Delta is computed by projecting x into a D_delta sized space, and the projecting back into a E sized space.

delta_1 is that intermediate D_delta space

# [B,L,D_delta] [E->D_delta]  [B,E]
delta_1        = self.W_delta_1( x ) # no bias
delta_1        = self.hook_delta_1(delta_1) # [B,L,D_delta]

blocks.{layer}.hook_delta_2 : [B,L,D_delta]

delta_2 is delta_1 projected back into a E sized space.

# [B,L,E]         [D_delta->E] [B,L,D_delta] 
delta_2        = self.W_delta_2(  delta_1  ) # with bias
delta_2        = self.hook_delta_2(delta_2) # [B,L,E]

Note: In the original implementation, W_delta_2 is called dt_proj.

blocks.{layer}.hook_delta : [B,L,D_delta]

This is delta_2 after applying softplus.


$$\text{softplus}(x) = \text{log}(1+e^x)$$

softplus is basically a smooth relu.

# [B,L,E]           [B,L,E]
delta  = F.softplus(delta_2) 
delta  = self.hook_delta(delta) # [B,L,E]

blocks.{layer}.hook_A : [E,N]

This is just -exp of the learned parameter A_log

Note, this doesn't depend on the input

A = -torch.exp(self.A_log)
A = self.hook_A(A) # [E,N]

blocks.{layer}.hook_A_bar : [B,L,E,N]

Discretized A

# [B,L,E,N]                    [B,L,E] [E,N]
A_bar       = torch.exp(einsum(delta, self.A, 'b l e, e n -> b l e n'))
A_bar       = self.hook_A_bar(A_bar) # [B,L,E,N]

blocks.{layer}.hook_B : [B,L,N]

Input-dependent B

# [B,L,N]     [E->N]   [B,L,E]
B           = self.W_B(   x   ) # no bias
B           = self.hook_B(B) # [B,L,N]

blocks.{layer}.hook_B_bar : [B,L,E,N]

B_bar is Discretized B

## Discretize B
# [B,L,E,N]          [B,L,E]  [B,L,N] 
B_bar       = einsum( delta,    B,     'b l e, b l n -> b l e n')
B_bar       = self.hook_B_bar(B_bar) # [B,L,E,N]

blocks.{layer}.hook_C : [B,L,N]

Input-dependent C from the ssm

# [B,L,N]      [E->N]  [B,L,E]     
C           = self.W_C(   x   ) # no bias
C           = self.hook_C(C) # [B,L,N]

What is W_delta_1, W_B, and W_C?

In the original implementation, all three of these are put into one matrix called x_proj. In our implementation, we split this apart into those three matrices (this is numerically equivalent).

blocks.{layer}.hook_h.{position} : [B,E,N]

The hidden state of the ssm after processing token at position {position}

Note, there is a seperate hook for each position.

For example, blocks.3.hook_h.2 is a hook for the hidden state after processing the 0th token, 1th token, and 2nd token.

You can use this just like any other hook, see Activation Patching for an example of patching on hook_h at a specific position in the sequence.

ys = []
h = torch.zeros([Batch,E,N], device=self.cfg.device)
for l in range(L):
    # [B,E,N]   [B,E,N]     [B,E,N]          [B,E,N]          [B,E]
    h        =    h    *  A_bar[:,l,:,:]  + B_bar[:,l,:,:] * x[:,l].view(Batch, E, 1)
    # hook_h is input-dependent
    # that means it has one child hook for each l
    # thus we need to pass it a postfix ".4" that it'll look up
    # the child hook for
    postfix = make_postfix(l=l)
    h        = self.hook_h(h, postfix=postfix) # [B,E,N]
    # [B,E]    [B,E,N]       [B,N,1]   # this is like [E,N] x [N,1] for each batch
    y_l       =   h     @   C[:,l,:].view(Batch,N,1)
    # [B,E]              [B,E,1]
    y_l      =    y_l.view(Batch,E)

blocks.{layer}.hook_y : [B,L,E]

Output of the ssm (before adding $x*D$)

# we have lots of [B,E]
# we need to stack them along the 1 dimension to get [B,L,E]
y = torch.stack(ys, dim=1)
y = self.hook_y(y) # [B,L,E]

blocks.{layer}.hook_ssm_output : [B,L,E]

Output of the ssm (after adding $x*D$)

# [B,L,E]     [B,L,E]    [B,L,E]       [E]
y_ssm_output =   y      +   x     *  self.W_D
y_ssm_output =  self.hook_ssm_output(y_ssm_output) # [B,L,E]

Note: In the original implementation, W_D is called D.

blocks.{layer}.hook_after_skip : [B,L,E]

Output of the layer after mulitplying by silu(skip vector)

(see above for definition of skip vector)


$$silu(x) = x*\text{sigmoid}(x)$$

Silu is like a soft relu, though it can go negative.

# [B,L,E]   [B,L,E]                     [B,L,E]
y_after_skip    = y_ssm_output * F.silu(  skip  )
y_after_skip    =  self.hook_after_skip(y_after_skip) # [B,L,E]

blocks.{layer}.hook_out_proj : [B,L,D]

Output of this layer, before adding to residual

# [B,L,D]         [E->D]       [B,L,E]
y_out     = self.out_proj( y_after_skip ) # no bias
y_out     = self.hook_out_proj(y_out) # [B,L,D]

blocks.{layer}.hook_resid_post : [B,L,D]

Resulting residual after adding output from this layer

# [B,L,D]   [B,L,D]   [B,L,D]
resid     = resid +  y_out
resid     = self.hook_resid_post(resid) # [B,L,D]
return resid

Final model output hooks

As mentioned above, after going through all the layers via:

for layer in self.blocks:
    resid = layer(resid)

We can finally do

hook_norm : [B,L,D]

Resulting residual stream after applying the norm

# [B,L,D]                   [B,L,D]
resid_normed     = self.norm( resid )
resid_normed     = self.hook_norm(resid_normed) # [B,L,D]

hook_logits : [B,L,V]

The output model logits

# [B,L,V]          [D->V]    [B,L,D]
logits    = self.lm_head( resid_normed ) # no bias
logits    = self.hook_logits(logits) # [B,L,V]

Loading a model

From a pretrained model on huggingface:

from mamba_lens import HookedMamba

tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained('EleutherAI/gpt-neox-20b')
model = HookedMamba.from_pretrained("state-spaces/mamba-370m", device='cuda', tokenizer=tokenizer)

From a config and state dict:

import mamba_lens

state_dict = old_model.state_dict() # your state dict from a model using
cfg = { # your config from a model using
    "d_model": 1024,
    "n_layer": 48,
    "vocab_size": 50277,
    "ssm_cfg": {
        "d_state": 16,
        "d_conv": 2,
        "expand": 2,
    "rms_norm": true,
    "residual_in_fp32": true,
    "fused_add_norm": true,
    "pad_vocab_size_multiple": 8

# we need to convert to the format used by hooked mamba
# this does:
# unpacking of combined matrices:
#            in_proj -> [in_proj, skip_proj]
#            x_proj  -> [W_delta_1, W_B, W_C]
# renaming:
#            dt_proj -> W_delta_2
#            D       -> W_D
#            norm_f  -> norm
# it also does some moving around to make it look like HookedTransformer

hooked_mamba_cfg = mamba_lens.convert_original_config_to_hooked_mamba_config(cfg, device=device)
hooked_mamba_state_dict = mamba_lens.convert_original_state_dict_to_hooked_state_dict(state_dict)

# Note: tokenizer is optional, it's only used if you pass in a string
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained('EleutherAI/gpt-neox-20b')

model = mamba_lens.HookedMamba(cfg=hooked_mamba_cfg, device='cuda', tokenizer=tokenizer)

Initialize a model from scratch (with correct parameter initialization)

cfg = MambaCfg(
        initializer_range = 0.02, # Used for embedding layer
        rescale_prenorm_residual = True,
        n_residuals_per_layer = 1,  # Change to 2 if we have MLP
        dt_init = 'random', # other option is "constant"
        dt_scale = 1.0,
        dt_min = 0.001,
        dt_max = 0.1,
        dt_init_floor = 1e-4

model = mamba_lens.HookedMamba(cfg=cfg, device='cuda', initialize_params=True)

Port HookedMamba to other libraries using the original format

# model is a HookedMamba
cfg_dict = mamba_lens.convert_hooked_mamba_config_to_original_config(hooked_mamba_cfg=model.cfg)
state_dict = mamba_lens.convert_hooked_state_dict_to_original_state_dict(cfg=model.cfg, state_dict=model.state_dict())

Activation Patching

Activation Patching on the hidden state

There is a seperate hook for each position, so we can simply write a hook that will substitute the patched h at the target position only:

def h_patching_hook(
    h: Float[torch.Tensor, "B E N"],
    hook: HookPoint,
    layer: int,
    position: int,
) -> Float[torch.Tensor, "B E N"]:
    return corrupted_activations[]

This will result in modified h after that position, as desired.

Here is the full code:

from tqdm.notebook import tqdm
from functools import partial
from jaxtyping import Float
from transformer_lens.hook_points import HookPoint
import torch
import as px

import mamba_lens
model = mamba_lens.HookedMamba.from_pretrained("state-spaces/mamba-370m", device='cuda')

prompt_uncorrupted = 'Lately, Emma and Shelby had fun at school. Shelby gave an apple to'
prompt_corrupted = 'Lately, Emma and Shelby had fun at school. Emma gave an apple to'
uncorrupted_answer = ' Emma' # note the space in front is important
corrupted_answer = ' Shelby'

prompt_uncorrupted_tokens = model.to_tokens(prompt_uncorrupted)
prompt_corrupted_tokens = model.to_tokens(prompt_corrupted)

L = len(prompt_uncorrupted_tokens[0])
if len(prompt_corrupted_tokens[0]) != len(prompt_uncorrupted_tokens[0]):
    raise Exception("Prompts are not the same length") # feel free to comment this out, you can patch for different sized prompts its just a lil sus

# logits should be [B,L,V] 
def uncorrupted_logit_minus_corrupted_logit(logits, uncorrupted_answer, corrupted_answer):
    uncorrupted_index = model.to_single_token(uncorrupted_answer)
    corrupted_index = model.to_single_token(corrupted_answer)
    return logits[0, -1, uncorrupted_index] - logits[0, -1, corrupted_index]

# [B,L,V]
corrupted_logits, corrupted_activations = model.run_with_cache(prompt_corrupted_tokens)
corrupted_logit_diff = uncorrupted_logit_minus_corrupted_logit(logits=corrupted_logits, uncorrupted_answer=uncorrupted_answer, corrupted_answer=corrupted_answer)

# [B,L,V]
uncorrupted_logits = model(prompt_uncorrupted_tokens)
uncorrupted_logit_diff = uncorrupted_logit_minus_corrupted_logit(logits=uncorrupted_logits, uncorrupted_answer=uncorrupted_answer, corrupted_answer=corrupted_answer)

# diff is logit of uncorrupted_answer - logit of corrupted_answer
# we expect corrupted_diff to have a negative value (as corrupted should put high pr on corrupted_answer)
# we expect uncorrupted to have a positive value (as uncorrupted should put high pr on uncorrupted_answer)
# thus we can treat these as (rough) min and max possible values
min_logit_diff = corrupted_logit_diff
max_logit_diff = uncorrupted_logit_diff

# make token labels that describe the patch
corrupted_str_tokens = model.to_str_tokens(prompt_corrupted_tokens)
uncorrupted_str_tokens = model.to_str_tokens(prompt_uncorrupted_tokens)

# 'blocks.{layer}.hook_h.{pos}' is the recurrent state of that layer after processing tokens at and before pos position
def h_patching_hook(
    h: Float[torch.Tensor, "B E N"],
    hook: HookPoint,
    layer: int,
    position: int,
) -> Float[torch.Tensor, "B E N"]:
    return corrupted_activations[]
patching_result_logits = torch.zeros((model.cfg.n_layers, L), device=model.cfg.device)
for layer in tqdm(range(model.cfg.n_layers)):
    for position in range(L):
        patching_hook_name = f'blocks.{layer}.hook_h.{position}'
        patching_hook = partial(h_patching_hook, layer=layer, position=position)
        # [B,L,V]
        patched_logits = model.run_with_hooks(prompt_uncorrupted_tokens, fwd_hooks=[
            (patching_hook_name, patching_hook)
        patched_logit_diff = uncorrupted_logit_minus_corrupted_logit(logits=patched_logits,
        # normalize it so
        # 0 means min_logit_diff (so 0 means that it is acting like the corrupted model)
        # 1 means max_logit_diff (so 1 means that it is acting like the uncorrupted model)
        normalized_patched_logit_diff = (patched_logit_diff-min_logit_diff)/(max_logit_diff - min_logit_diff)
        # now flip them, since most interventions will do nothing and thus act like uncorrupted model, visually its better to have that at 0
        # so now
        # 0 means that it is acting like the uncorrupted model
        # 1 means that it is acting like the corrupted model
        normalized_patched_logit_diff = 1.0 - normalized_patched_logit_diff
        patching_result_logits[layer, position] = normalized_patched_logit_diff

# make token labels that describe the patch
corrupted_str_tokens = model.to_str_tokens(prompt_corrupted_tokens)
uncorrupted_str_tokens = model.to_str_tokens(prompt_uncorrupted_tokens)
token_labels = []
for index, (corrupted_token, uncorrupted_token) in enumerate(zip(corrupted_str_tokens, uncorrupted_str_tokens)):
    if corrupted_token == uncorrupted_token:

# display outputs
px.imshow(utils.to_numpy(patching_result_logits), x=token_labels, color_continuous_midpoint=0.0, color_continuous_scale="RdBu", labels={"x":"Position", "y":"Layer"}, title='Normalized Logit Difference After Patching hook_h (hidden state)').show()

Which gives us:

Patching h

Patching on the layer inputs

Because there is a single hook called for all positions, we now need to only intervene on the specific position

# 'blocks.{layer}.resid_pre' is the input to layer {layer}
def resid_pre_patching_hook(
    resid_pre: Float[torch.Tensor, "B L D"],
    hook: HookPoint,
    position: int,
    layer: int
) -> Float[torch.Tensor, "B L D"]:
    # only intervene on the specific pos
    corrupted_resid_pre = corrupted_activations[]
    resid_pre[:, position, :] = corrupted_resid_pre[:, position, :]
    return resid_pre

Here is the full code

from tqdm.notebook import tqdm
from functools import partial
from jaxtyping import Float
from transformer_lens.hook_points import HookPoint
import torch
import as px

import mamba_lens
model = mamba_lens.HookedMamba.from_pretrained("state-spaces/mamba-370m", device='cuda')

prompt_uncorrupted = 'Lately, Emma and Shelby had fun at school. Shelby gave an apple to'
prompt_corrupted = 'Lately, Emma and Shelby had fun at school. Emma gave an apple to'
uncorrupted_answer = ' Emma' # note the space in front is important
corrupted_answer = ' Shelby'

prompt_uncorrupted_tokens = model.to_tokens(prompt_uncorrupted)
prompt_corrupted_tokens = model.to_tokens(prompt_corrupted)

L = len(prompt_uncorrupted_tokens[0])
if len(prompt_corrupted_tokens[0]) != len(prompt_uncorrupted_tokens[0]):
    raise Exception("Prompts are not the same length") # feel free to comment this out, you can patch for different sized prompts its just a lil sus

# logits should be [B,L,V] 
def uncorrupted_logit_minus_corrupted_logit(logits, uncorrupted_answer, corrupted_answer):
    uncorrupted_index = model.to_single_token(uncorrupted_answer)
    corrupted_index = model.to_single_token(corrupted_answer)
    return logits[0, -1, uncorrupted_index] - logits[0, -1, corrupted_index]

# [B,L,V]
corrupted_logits, corrupted_activations = model.run_with_cache(prompt_corrupted_tokens)
corrupted_logit_diff = uncorrupted_logit_minus_corrupted_logit(logits=corrupted_logits, uncorrupted_answer=uncorrupted_answer, corrupted_answer=corrupted_answer)

# [B,L,V]
uncorrupted_logits = model(prompt_uncorrupted_tokens)
uncorrupted_logit_diff = uncorrupted_logit_minus_corrupted_logit(logits=uncorrupted_logits, uncorrupted_answer=uncorrupted_answer, corrupted_answer=corrupted_answer)

# diff is logit of uncorrupted_answer - logit of corrupted_answer
# we expect corrupted_diff to have a negative value (as corrupted should put high pr on corrupted_answer)
# we expect uncorrupted to have a positive value (as uncorrupted should put high pr on uncorrupted_answer)
# thus we can treat these as (rough) min and max possible values
min_logit_diff = corrupted_logit_diff
max_logit_diff = uncorrupted_logit_diff

# make token labels that describe the patch
corrupted_str_tokens = model.to_str_tokens(prompt_corrupted_tokens)
uncorrupted_str_tokens = model.to_str_tokens(prompt_uncorrupted_tokens)

token_labels = []
for index, (corrupted_token, uncorrupted_token) in enumerate(zip(corrupted_str_tokens, uncorrupted_str_tokens)):
    if corrupted_token == uncorrupted_token:

# 'blocks.{layer}.resid_pre' is the input to layer {layer}
def resid_pre_patching_hook(
    resid_pre: Float[torch.Tensor, "B L D"],
    hook: HookPoint,
    position: int,
    layer: int
) -> Float[torch.Tensor, "B L D"]:
    # only intervene on the specific pos
    corrupted_resid_pre = corrupted_activations[]
    resid_pre[:, position, :] = corrupted_resid_pre[:, position, :]
    return resid_pre
patching_result_logits = torch.zeros((model.cfg.n_layers, L), device=model.cfg.device)
for layer in tqdm(range(model.cfg.n_layers)):
    for position in range(L):
        patching_hook_name = f'blocks.{layer}.hook_resid_pre'
        patching_hook = partial(resid_pre_patching_hook, layer=layer, position=position)
        # [B,L,V]
        patched_logits = model.run_with_hooks(prompt_uncorrupted_tokens, fwd_hooks=[
            (patching_hook_name, patching_hook)
        patched_logit_diff = uncorrupted_logit_minus_corrupted_logit(logits=patched_logits,
        # normalize it so
        # 0 means min_logit_diff (so 0 means that it is acting like the corrupted model)
        # 1 means max_logit_diff (so 1 means that it is acting like the uncorrupted model)
        normalized_patched_logit_diff = (patched_logit_diff-min_logit_diff)/(max_logit_diff - min_logit_diff)
        # now flip them, since most interventions will do nothing and thus act like uncorrupted model, visually its better to have that at 0
        # so now
        # 0 means that it is acting like the uncorrupted model
        # 1 means that it is acting like the corrupted model
        normalized_patched_logit_diff = 1.0 - normalized_patched_logit_diff
        patching_result_logits[layer, position] = normalized_patched_logit_diff

# make token labels that describe the patch
corrupted_str_tokens = model.to_str_tokens(prompt_corrupted_tokens)
uncorrupted_str_tokens = model.to_str_tokens(prompt_uncorrupted_tokens)
token_labels = []
for index, (corrupted_token, uncorrupted_token) in enumerate(zip(corrupted_str_tokens, uncorrupted_str_tokens)):
    if corrupted_token == uncorrupted_token:

# display outputs
px.imshow(utils.to_numpy(patching_result_logits), x=token_labels, color_continuous_midpoint=0.0, color_continuous_scale="RdBu", labels={"x":"Position", "y":"Layer"}, title='Normalized Logit Difference After Patching hook_resid_pre (layer inputs)').show()

Which gives us

Patching layer inputs


If the above is too slow, you can pass in

model.run_with_hooks(prompt_uncorrupted_tokens, fwd_hooks=[
            (patching_hook_name, patching_hook)
    ], fast_ssm=True, fast_conv=True)


fast_conv=True uses the cuda kernel from To install it you can do

pip install causal_conv1d

Note that using fast_conv=True will disable the hook_conv, because the cuda kernel does the silu and conv1d at the same time.

As a reminder, here's the pure pytorch version:

blocks.{layer}.hook_conv : [B,L,E]

Output of conv

x_conv     = rearrange(x_in, 'B L E -> B E L')
# [B,E,L+d_conv-1]
x_conv_out = self.conv1d(   x_conv   )
# [B,L+d_conv-1,E]
x_conv_out = rearrange(x_conv_out, 'B E L -> B L E')
# Say d_conv is 4, this clipping makes the [:,l,:] pos a conv over (l-3, l-2, l-1, l) positions
# [B,L,E]
x_conv_out_cutoff = x_conv_out[:,:L,:]
x_conv_out_cutoff = self.hook_conv(x_conv_out_cutoff) # [B,L,E]

blocks.{layer}.hook_ssm_input : [B,L,E]

The input to the ssm, this is the output of conv after applying silu (smooth relu)

x = F.silu( x_conv_out_cutoff )
x = self.hook_ssm_input(x) # [B,L,E]

Wheras here's what happens if fast_conv=True:

blocks.{layer}.hook_conv : [B,L,E]

(not available)

blocks.{layer}.hook_ssm_input : [B,L,E]

Same as above, this is input to the ssm, which is the output of conv after applying silu (smooth relu)

from causal_conv1d import causal_conv1d_fn
x_conv     = rearrange(x_in, 'B L E -> B E L')
# this does the silu and conv at same time
# [B,E,L]
x_conv_out = causal_conv1d_fn(
    weight=rearrange(self.conv1d.weight, "d 1 w -> d w"),
# [B,L,E]
x         = rearrange(x_conv_out, 'B E L -> B L E')  
x = self.hook_ssm_input(x) # [B,L,E]


This uses the cuda kernel selective_scan_cuda from the official mamba repo. To install it:

git clone
cd mamba
pip install -e .

I recommend looking at mamba_lens/ if you are interested in how this is called.

Using fast_ssm=True will disable a few hooks:

blocks.{layer}.hook_delta : [B,L,D_delta]

This is delta_2 after applying softplus.

blocks.{layer}.hook_A_bar : [B,L,E,N]

A_bar is Discretized A

blocks.{layer}.hook_B_bar : [B,L,E,N]

B_bar is Discretized B

blocks.{layer}.hook_y : [B,L,E]

Output of the ssm (before adding $x*D$)

blocks.{layer}.hook_h_start : [B,E,N]

The initial hidden state (always initialized to zero vector)

blocks.{layer}.hook_h.{position} : [B,E,N]

The hidden state of the ssm after processing token at position {position}

Notes on implementation (what's a InputDependentHookPoint?)

The one tricky part of implementing HookedMamba was

blocks.{layer}.hook_h.{position} : [B,E,N]

The hidden state of the ssm after processing token at position {position}

Because there is a seperate hook for each position, we need a variable number of hooks depending on the input. To accomodate this, HookedMamba inherits from InputDependentHookedRootModule which is just like HookedRootModule except it has support for some of the hooks being InputDependentHookPoint instead of HookPoint.

Here's basic example usage of InputDependentHookPoint:

def make_postfix(l):
    return f".{l}"

def make_input_dependent_postfixes(input):
    Batch, L = input.size()
    for l in range(L):
        postfix = make_postfix(l=l)
        yield postfix

# In a class that inherits from InputDependentHookedRootModule:

    # In __init__, before calling self.setup()
    self.hook_h = InputDependentHookPoint(make_input_dependent_postfixes=make_input_dependent_postfixes)

    # In forward:
    h = torch.zeros([batch, internal_dim], device=self.cfg.device)
    for l in range(seq_len):
        # some internal rnn logic
        h        =    update_hidden_state(h)
        # call the hook
        postfix = make_postfix(l=l)
        h        = self.hook_h(h, postfix=postfix)

Note make_postfix and make_input_dependent_postfixes

Here's the docs for make_input_dependent_postfixes:

When provided a parameter called
"input", this should return all postfixes needed for that input
For example, if this is being used as an RNN hidden state, and 
input is of size [batch, 5] make_input_dependent_postfixes could return
[".0", ".1", ".2", ".3", ".4"]

Then when we want to call forward, we do:

input = ...
with self.input_dependent_hooks_context(input=input):
  result = model.forward(input)

input_dependent_hooks_context will create a hook for every prefix returned by make_input_dependent_postfixes.

You can then use those hooks like you would any other hook.

In practice, you don't need to worry about these details. run_with_hooks and run_with_cache will automatically call input_dependent_hooks_context for you, which covers most of the use cases. From the user's end, it just looks like there is a hook for every hook_h.{position}, as desired.



Mamba support for transformer lens







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