The following files enable the user to build a ETL pipeline and then build a model which classifies messages received during a disaster. The model can then be used to categorise messages in an app to aid visualisation. The use case for this is to enable disaster response teams to identify relevant messages to their specialism and respond to them quickly.
In order to run the following code you will need to:
- Install all prerequisites below
- Navigate to the project's root directory:
- Run the following code in the terminal. This will initiate the ETL pipeline that cleans data and stores in database
python data/ data/disaster_messages.csv data/disaster_categories.csv data/DisasterResponse.db
- Run the following code in the terminal. This will run the ML pipeline that trains classifier and saves
python models/ data/DisasterResponse.db models/classifier.pkl
- Run the following code in the terminal. This will initiate the ETL pipeline that cleans data and stores in database
- Navigate to app directory:
- Run the following code in the terminal. This will create an app which classifies of messages and visualises results
- Run the following code in the terminal. This will create an app which classifies of messages and visualises results
- In a web browser, go to to view the app output
import sys
import pandas as pd
import sqlalchemy from sqlalchemy import create_engine
import re import nltk'punkt')'stopwords')'wordnet') from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize from nltk.corpus import stopwords from nltk.stem.wordnet import WordNetLemmatizer from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfTransformer
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split, GridSearchCV from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier from sklearn.multioutput import MultiOutputClassifier from sklearn.metrics import classification_report
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
import pickle
This repo contains the following folders and files
Data - this folder contains files for the ETL pipeline
- disaster_messages.csv - contains message ids and messages
- disaster_categories.csv - contains message ids and message categorisation
- - running this file will run ETL pipeline
Models - this folder contains file for the ML pipeline
- - running this fill will run ML pipeline
App - this folder contains file to create the app to visualise model outputs
- templates - this folder contains template files to aid creation of the app
- - this file creates the app