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Our app is avaliable here:

The app will be released from preorder on Friday 9th September

Find our website here: The website was created using Universe ( and fulfills the neccesary requirements for beta testing via TestFlight, namely a privacy policy.


@Person2099 ( is Sebastian.

Main Application Files

To find the main application files open the S Responses Folder. The View Files will be in the encapsulated UIViews Folder and most other notable files can be found in the encapsulated Helpers folder.


The files used for testing reside in the S ResponsesTests and S ResponsesUITests folders.


External Packages

This application relies on the following external swift packages:


Font files (.ttf) can be found under S Responses in the Fonts folder.

Other Assets (Appicon Images Etc.)

Most other assets can be found in the Assets.xcassets folder. This can be found in the S Responses folder

Notification Controller

Most code powering notification handling and controlling can be found in the OneSignalNotificationServiceExtension folder.

Other Metadata

Most metadata relating to the application can be found in the S Responses.xcodeproj folder. Almost all metadata is compiled and therefore is not human readable in the format shown.


Feel free to report any issues in the issues tab of this Github Repo.


Most application binaries can be found in the releases section of this Github Repo.