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The contextual-help component provides for displaying help that is relevant to the users current actions within the context of the page. It uses the drawer component to keep this information hidden unless requested by the user.

UX Framework Design Page:

Demo Page:

Getting Started

Initial Machine Setup Install Git. Install Node 6.0.0 or greater - Need to run multiple verions of Node? Use nvm. On a Mac? You're all set. If you're on Windows, complete the steps for your OS below. On Windows:

Install Ruby as the runtime engine for SCSS. Install Python 2.7. Some node modules may rely on node-gyp, which requires Python on Windows. On Chrome browser:

Optionally, install React developer tools.

installing the component:

npm install @pearson-components/contextual-help --save

yarn add @pearson-components/contextual-help

Quick Start

git clone
cd contextual-help
npm install
npm start

Naviage to http://localhost:8081/contextual-help/, where the spawned Node server hosts a webpack-generated SPA using React Router for defining how to render the components.

As you save changes to the source, the changes are automatically reloaded in the browser.


To use the ContextuaHelp in a React.js page:

import the contextual-help:

  import { ContextualHelp } from "@pearson-components/contextual-help";

then configure the contextual-help:

this.state = {
  directTopic: undefined,
  locale: 'en-us',
  showHelp: false,
  helpTopics: [

ContextualHelp does not perform any translation. Hence, language specific text should be passed in. Note that the closeButton and backButton test are included to provide the verbal accessibility clues.

const languageSpecificText = {
  headerTitle: 'Help Topics',
  closeButton: 'Close Help Topics',
  backButton: 'Back to Help Topics'

sample handler:

_helpHandler = () => {
    showHelp: !this.state.showHelp,
    directTopic: undefined

ContextualHelp exists within a drawer component and the visibility is controlled by the showHelp property. A close 'X' is presented at the top of the drawer which executes the helpHandler.

ContextualHelp operates in one of two modes based upon the directTopic property. While this property is undefined, a list of topics (defined by the array passed to the topics property) will be presented. Each topic title will be displayed along with an excerpt. Clicking on a topic will replace the list of topics with the content of the topic selected. A Back button at the top of the control allows the user to go back to the list of topics.

When the directTopic property is set that topic will be presented in the drawer with no option to go back to the topic list. Hence, it is a good idea in the helpHandler to set the directTopic property back to undefined.

props for ContextualHelp:

  appRootId       : String    - id of the root element of the React tree (see Accessibility below)
  directTopic     : String    - portion of url that is specific to the topic.
  drawerTop       : String    - adjust the underlying drawer top property default "61px"
  handleHelp      : Function  - (required) sets state of showHelp to true or false
  locale          : string    - must comply with language nameing standards ('en-us', 'fr', etc.)
  showHelp        : Boolean   - (required) sets visibility of drawer default false
  text            : Object    - text passed in for the title of the drawer and for accessibility vocalization of the buttons. Note that internationalization is the responsibility of the consuming code.
  topics          : Array     - array of strings which are the portion of the url that is specific to each topic.
  topicViewed     : Function  - will be called (with two parameters: title and fullElement) when a topic is viewed. Can be used for logging.


The project is wired to unit test with Jest.

npm test

After running npm test && npm start, you may view the code coverage site at: http://localhost:8081/coverage/lcov-report

Event Instantiation

Non React Apps may use the event harness by pulling in the eventInterface from the build directory. to instantiate a component use this format:

document.body.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('o.InitComponent', {
  detail: {
    elementId: 'contextual-help',
    props: {
      appRootId: "appRoot",
      directTopic: undefined,
      drawerTop: "61px",
      handleHelp: () => {},
      locale: "en-us",
      showHelp: true,
      text: {
        backButton:   'Back to Help Topics',
        closeButton:  'Close Help Topics',
        headerTitle:  'Help Topics'
      topics: [


Keyboard focus

Refer to the drawer documentation for accessibility on the drawer component. The drawer takes care of managin focus as the drawer is opened and closed.

Among the the required properties on the ContextualHelp component is the appRootId. This value is passed through to the drawer component and is used to identify the root element for the React tree for the application. (Note that the drawer for the ContextualHelp component will be placed outside of this tree.) An aria-hidden property will be applied to this app root element when the drawer is open to allow the screen reader to stay focused within the drawer. Additional information can be found in the documentation for the drawer component as mentioned in the previous paragraph.

Contextual-Help uses the BasicView and the DetailView of the drawer. The BasicView is used to present a list of topics and excerpts that are clickable. Clicking on one will cause the display to a DetailView containing the full text of the help topic. Only focusable elements within the specific view that is visible are available to assistive technologies (AT) and screen readers.

Heading order

In the main topics list (BasicView), the phrase "Help Topics" is an h2 element. The name of each topic in the topics list is an h3 element.

On a specific topic (DetailView), the name of the topic is an h2 element. Any headings inside the topic should be smaller, starting with h3 for the main subtopics. They should not jump to h4, h5, or h6, but follow good content heading structure.

Accordions/disclosure widgets

In order to include an accordion or disclosure widget inside content, the html5

and tags should be used. Placing the summary tag within the detail tag will cause the summary information only to be visible by default. Clicking on the summary will show/hide the content of the detail tag.

External Dependencies

React and ReactDOM(v0.14 or v15) are external dependencies required to use this component. They are npm-installable or availalbe from a third-party CDN.

This component targets the styling in the Pearson Elements SDK.

Poly fills

React components with internationalization use React-Intl which relies on the ECMAScript Internationalization API. This was not supported in Safari until version 10. If you are supporting Safari older than 10, there is a polyfill from Andy Earnshaw (see below).

CustomEvent support in IE is also polyfilled. Because many teams are supporting both IE 11 and Safari 9, we've combined the polyfills into a single script. The example below polyfills for CustomEvent and localization for English and French:

<script src=",Intl.~locale.en,"></script>

Be sure to include the above script (a version of it that makes sense for your project and supported browsers) on your THML page running CompoundsSDK, if you need it.

CodeCoverage site

After running npm test && npm start, you may view the code coverage site at: http://localhost:8081/coverage/lcov-report


All submissions must be via pull request and approved before the [email protected] team will merge and allow it to enter the release process. All submissions must pass this project's linting, test with 100% code coverage, and be compatible with the version(s) of React approved for the Pearson User Experience Platform.
