Steps on How to Run the Project locally
Install Node in your PC (recommended version 8)
To run the application (open terminal):
Go Inside FE dir
Inside FE dir you can see, you can see a "team-c" dir. Go inside this dir.
You should be able to see package.json
Type in your terminal : npm i (This will install all the node modules required for the project)
Then type npm start to start the FE server
To run the application (open terminal):
Go inside the BE dir
Go inside micro-service dir (like taiga or BDConsistency).
Make sute to have maven & java (openjdk 17.0.2) install in your machine. To install latest maven in mac use command : "brew install maven".
You should see pom.xml file. Type "mvn clean install" to compile the project
To start backend server to you type "mvn sprirng-boot:run"
To start the Docker Files Goto dir DEVOPS/automation and run the script: python3