Obtains statistics from the reads quality of a fastq file.
The binary output is then read by an Rmd
script that generates a
html visualization of the data.
- Requires: gcc, R, Rpackages::pheatmap,rmarkdown.
- Clone the repository.
- Run make.
Usage C
executable (in folder bin
Usage: lowQuality -i <INPUT_FILE.fq> -l <READ_LENGTH> -q [Q_THRESHOLD] -t [NUMBER_OF_TILES] -o <OUTPUT_FILE>
Reads in a fq file (gz, bz2, z formats also accepted) and performs a set of
quality tests.
Output in binary format.
-h prints help dialog.
-i Input file [*fq|*fq.gz|*fq.bz2]. Required parameter.
-l Read length. Length of the reads. Required parameter.
-t Number of tiles. Optional parameter (default 96).
-q Minimum quality allowed. Optional parameter (default 27).
-o Output file. Required parameter. With *bin extension.
-f If present, the file will be treated as a filtered file (output from filter_trim).
Usage Rmd
scripts (in folder R
Pro sample,
Rscript -e "rmarkdown::render('PATH/TO/quality_report.Rmd', params=list(inputfile='PATH/TO/test.out'), output_file='PATH/TO/HTML_OUTPUT_FILE.html')"
Summary for all samples,
Rscript -e "rmarkdown::render('PATH/TO/summary_report.Rmd', params=list(inputfolder='PATH/TO/BINARY/FILES'), output_file='PATH/TO/HTML_OUTPUT_FILE.html')"
Warning: summary_report.Rmd
requires the C
executable output
to have the extension .bin
Depends on: rmarkdown
, pheatmap
R packages.
Can be used with filtered fastq
files from trim_filtered
Binary output:
(4B) : read length (read_len
(4B) : number of tiles (ntiles
(4B) : minimum quality accepted (minQ
(4B) : number of possible qualities (nQ
(4B) : number of reads (nreads
(4B) : number of reads containing N's (reads_wN
B) : tile tags (tile_tags
B) : quality tags (quality tags
),5 x ntiles x (long int)
x8B) : # (A,C,G,T,N) per tile with low quality (lowQ_ACGT_tile
),5 x ntiles x (long int)
x8B) : # (A,C,G,T,N) per tile (ACGT_tile
),(read_len+1) x (long int)
+1)x8B) : number of reads with at leastm
low quality nucleotides (reads_MlowQ
),ntiles x read_len x nQ x (long int)
x8B) : nucleotides per tile per position with a given quality (QposTile_table
).5 x read_len x (long int)
x8B ): # (A,C,G,T,N) per position, (ACGT_pos
html output:
- Table with general information ,
- Plot 1: per base sequence quality,
- Plot 2: # reads with at least m low Q nucleotides,
- Plot 3: Low Q nucleotide proportion,
- Plot 4: Average quality per position per tile,
- Plot 5: Low Q nucleotides proportion per position per tile,
- Plot 6: Low Q nucleotides proportion per position for all tiles.
- Plot 7: Nucleotide content per position
html summary:
- Table with:
# reads , # tiles, % lowQ reads, % reads with N’s
for all samples. - Heatmap showing the average quality per position for all samples.
- Table with:
An example is given in the folder examples
. To run an example, type,
./bin/lowQuality -i ./examples/test.fq.bz2 -l 51 -o ./example/my_output.bin
Rscript -e "rmarkdown::render('./R/quality_report.Rmd',
Paula Pérez Rubio
GPL v3 (see LICENSE.txt)