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Paul Razvan Berg edited this page Aug 10, 2023 · 4 revisions

This is a basic guide that goes through some of the more common things you may need to do when integrating PRBProxy in a front-end application. While the code examples below use Viem, the logic should be easy to adapt to other development frameworks such as Ethers.


You can download the ABIs from here:

Or you can install the @prb/proxy npm package and import the artifacts like so:

import PRBProxy from "@prb/proxy/artifacts/PRBProxy.json";
import PRBProxyRegistry from "@prb/proxy/artifacts/PRBProxyRegistry.json";

// PRBProxy.abi
// PRBProxyRegistry.abi

Deploy Proxies

If you want to let your users deploy a proxy via your UI, you do this via the PRBProxyRegistry contract. There are multiple deployment functions you can choose from; see the full list here.

Here's an example for deploy:

// See the Viem docs:
// -
// -
await walletClient.writeContract({
  address: "0x584009e9ede26e212182c9745f5c000191296a78",
  functionName: "deploy",
  account, // your signer account

Compute Address

For this, you need to install the @prb/proxy.

import PRBProxy from "@prb/proxy/artifacts/PRBProxy.json";
import { getContractAddress, pad } from "viem";

const proxyAddress = getContractAddress({ 
  bytecode: PRBProxy.bytecode.object,
  from: "0x584009e9ede26e212182c9745f5c000191296a78", // the same on all chains
  opcode: "CREATE2",
  salt: pad(USER_ADDRESS, { dir: "right" }), // insert your user address here


You can obtain rich data about deployed instances of PRBProxy by querying the subgraph with GraphQL syntax.

The subgraph monitors the registry, deployment of proxies, and critical events like Execute, InstallPlugin, and UninstallPlugin.

Here are two examples of queries:

const getProxies = gql(/* GraphQL */ `
  proxies {
    plugins {

const getProxy_ByOwner = gql(/* GraphQL */ `
  proxies(where:{ owner: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"}){
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