The Node-RED Status node provides detailed information about the current Node-RED runtime environment. It can be used for diagnostics and monitoring purposes.
The goal is mainly to be used when you're supporting multiple Node-RED instances and need to quickly check the environment details. The end goal will be to provide a global view of all your Node-RED instances and check their health status, dependencies, and more.
Here's what it offers so far:
- Runtime Information:
- Node-RED version.
- Platform details: OS, Node.js version, architecture.
- Uptime and working directory.
- Dependency Analysis:
- List of runtime and development dependencies.
- Statistics on the total number of dependencies and Node-RED modules.
- Installed Modules:
- Detailed information about Node-RED-specific modules installed in the environment.
When triggered, the node sends a payload containing:
- Runtime and platform details.
- A breakdown of Node-RED modules, dependencies, and their statistics.
The node's status updates dynamically:
- Green: Running successfully, with a summary of Node-RED modules and dependencies.
- Red: An error occurred, and the status displays the error message.
- Global Monitoring: Monitor multiple Node-RED instances from a single dashboard.
- Health Checks: Check the health status of Node-RED instances.
- Dependency Updates: Notify users when dependencies are outdated.
- Security Checks: Identify security vulnerabilities in dependencies.
- MQTT inventory: List all topics listened/subscribed.
The node outputs an object with the following structure:
"nodeInfo": {
"id": "node-id",
"type": "nodered-status",
"name": "Node Name",
"z": "flow-id"
"runtime": {
"platform": "linux",
"nodeVersion": "v16.18.1",
"arch": "x64",
"uptime": 123456.789,
"cpuUsage": 0.5,
"memoryUsage": 1000000,
"cwd": "/usr/src/node-red",
"userDir": "/data"
"noderedInfo": {
"deployment": { ... },
"version": "3.0.0",
"nodeRedModules": { ... },
"dependencies": { ... },
"devDependencies": { ... },
"stats": {
"totalNodeRedModules": 10,
"totalDependencies": 15,
"totalDevDependencies": 5,
"totalInstalledModules": 25
"summary": {
"runtimeUrl": "http://localhost:1880/",
"adminUrl": "http://localhost:1880/admin",
"domain": "localhost",
"port": 1880,
"platform": "linux",
"uptime": 123456.789,
"nodeVersion": "v16.18.1",
"noderedVersion": "3.0.0",
"totalDependencies": 15,
"noderedDependencies": { ... },
"totalDevDependencies": 5,
"noderedDevDependencies": { ... }