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Add support for Legacy Of Phrecia Ascendancies (#8449)
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* Reduced Vaal soul cost

* Attack block lucky/unlucky

* Immune to curses while channelling

* Unlucky hit damage


Co-authored-by: LocalIdentity <[email protected]>
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LocalIdentity and LocalIdentity authored Feb 9, 2025
1 parent cc18b54 commit 66b6353
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Showing 2 changed files with 24 additions and 4 deletions.
23 changes: 19 additions & 4 deletions src/Modules/CalcOffence.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2919,7 +2919,7 @@ function calcs.offence(env, actor, activeSkill)
local noEnergyShieldLeech = skillModList:Flag(cfg, "CannotLeechEnergyShield") or enemyDB:Flag(nil, "CannotLeechEnergyShieldFromSelf") or skillModList:Flag(cfg, "CannotGainEnergyShield")
local noManaLeech = skillModList:Flag(cfg, "CannotLeechMana") or enemyDB:Flag(nil, "CannotLeechManaFromSelf") or skillModList:Flag(cfg, "CannotGainMana")
for _, damageType in ipairs(dmgTypeList) do
local damageTypeHitMin, damageTypeHitMax, damageTypeHitAvg, damageTypeLuckyChance, damageTypeHitAvgLucky, damageTypeHitAvgNotLucky = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
local damageTypeHitMin, damageTypeHitMax, damageTypeHitAvg, damageTypeLuckyChance, damageTypeHitAvgLucky, damageTypeUnluckyChance, damageTypeHitAvgUnlucky, damageTypeHitAvgNotLucky = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
if skillFlags.hit and canDeal[damageType] then
damageTypeHitMin, damageTypeHitMax = calcDamage(activeSkill, output, cfg, pass == 2 and breakdown and breakdown[damageType], damageType, 0)
local convMult = activeSkill.conversionTable[damageType].mult
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2973,9 +2973,17 @@ function calcs.offence(env, actor, activeSkill)
damageTypeLuckyChance = m_min(skillModList:Sum("BASE", skillCfg, "LuckyHitsChance"), 100) / 100
if skillModList:Flag(skillCfg, "UnluckyHits") then
damageTypeLuckyChance = damageTypeLuckyChance - 1
damageTypeHitAvgNotLucky = (damageTypeHitMin / 2 + damageTypeHitMax / 2)
damageTypeHitAvgLucky = (damageTypeHitMin / 3 + 2 * damageTypeHitMax / 3)
damageTypeHitAvg = damageTypeHitAvgNotLucky * (1 - damageTypeLuckyChance) + damageTypeHitAvgLucky * damageTypeLuckyChance
damageTypeHitAvgUnlucky = (2 * damageTypeHitMin / 3 + damageTypeHitMax / 3)
if damageTypeLuckyChance >= 0 then
damageTypeHitAvg = damageTypeHitAvgNotLucky * (1 - damageTypeLuckyChance) + damageTypeHitAvgLucky * damageTypeLuckyChance
damageTypeHitAvg = damageTypeHitAvgNotLucky * (1 - m_abs(damageTypeLuckyChance)) + damageTypeHitAvgUnlucky * m_abs(damageTypeLuckyChance)
if (damageTypeHitMin ~= 0 or damageTypeHitMax ~= 0) and env.mode_effective then
-- Apply enemy resistances and damage taken modifiers
local resist = 0
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3272,13 +3280,20 @@ function calcs.offence(env, actor, activeSkill)
if breakdown then
if output.CritEffect ~= 1 then
breakdown.AverageHit = { }
if skillModList:Flag(skillCfg, "LuckyHits") then
if skillModList:Flag(skillCfg, "LuckyHits") and not skillModList:Flag(skillCfg, "UnluckyHits") then
t_insert(breakdown.AverageHit, s_format("(1/3) x %d + (2/3) x %d = %.1f ^8(average from non-crits)", totalHitMin, totalHitMax, totalHitAvg))
if skillModList:Flag(skillCfg, "CritLucky") or skillModList:Flag(skillCfg, "LuckyHits") then
if skillModList:Flag(skillCfg, "UnluckyHits") and not skillModList:Flag(skillCfg, "LuckyHits") then
t_insert(breakdown.AverageHit, s_format("(2/3) x %d + (1/3) x %d = %.1f ^8(average from non-crits)", totalHitMin, totalHitMax, totalHitAvg))
if (skillModList:Flag(skillCfg, "CritLucky") or skillModList:Flag(skillCfg, "LuckyHits")) and not skillModList:Flag(skillCfg, "UnluckyHits") then
t_insert(breakdown.AverageHit, s_format("(1/3) x %d + (2/3) x %d = %.1f ^8(average from crits)", totalCritMin, totalCritMax, totalCritAvg))
t_insert(breakdown.AverageHit, "")
if skillModList:Flag(skillCfg, "UnluckyHits") and not (skillModList:Flag(skillCfg, "CritLucky") or skillModList:Flag(skillCfg, "LuckyHits")) then
t_insert(breakdown.AverageHit, s_format("(2/3) x %d + (1/3) x %d = %.1f ^8(average from crits)", totalCritMin, totalCritMax, totalCritAvg))
t_insert(breakdown.AverageHit, "")
t_insert(breakdown.AverageHit, s_format("%.1f x (1 - %.4f) ^8(damage from non-crits)", totalHitAvg, output.CritChance / 100))
t_insert(breakdown.AverageHit, s_format("+ %.1f x %.4f ^8(damage from crits)", totalCritAvg, output.CritChance / 100))
t_insert(breakdown.AverageHit, s_format("= %.1f", output.AverageHit))
Expand Down
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions src/Modules/ModParser.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2062,6 +2062,7 @@ local specialModList = {
["skills cost %+(%d+) rage"] = function(num) return { mod("RageCostBase", "BASE", num) } end,
["non%-aura vaal skills require (%d+)%% reduced souls per use during effect"] = function(num) return { mod("SoulCost", "INC", -num, { type = "Condition", var = "UsingFlask" }, { type = "SkillType", skillType = SkillType.Aura, neg = true }, { type = "SkillType", skillType = SkillType.Vaal }) } end,
["non%-aura vaal skills require (%d+)%% reduced souls per use"] = function(num) return { mod("SoulCost", "INC", -num, { type = "SkillType", skillType = SkillType.Aura, neg = true }, { type = "SkillType", skillType = SkillType.Vaal }) } end,
["vaal skills require (%d+)%% reduced souls per use"] = function(num) return { mod("SoulCost", "INC", -num, { type = "SkillType", skillType = SkillType.Vaal }) } end,
["vaal skills used during effect have (%d+)%% reduced soul gain prevention duration"] = function(num) return { mod("SoulGainPreventionDuration", "INC", -num, { type = "Condition", var = "UsingFlask" }, { type = "SkillType", skillType = SkillType.Vaal }) } end,
["vaal volcanic fissure and vaal molten strike have (%d+)%% reduced soul gain prevention duration"] = function(num) return { mod("SoulGainPreventionDuration", "INC", -num, { type = "SkillName", skillNameList = { "Volcanic Fissure", "Molten Strike" }, includeTransfigured = true }, { type = "SkillType", skillType = SkillType.Vaal }) } end,
["vaal attack skills cost rage instead of requiring souls to use"] = { flag("CostRageInsteadOfSouls", nil, ModFlag.Attack, { type = "SkillType", skillType = SkillType.Vaal }) },
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3505,6 +3506,7 @@ local specialModList = {
} end,
["nearby allies' damage with hits is lucky"] = { mod("ExtraAura", "LIST", { onlyAllies = true, mod = flag("LuckyHits") }) },
["your damage with hits is lucky"] = { flag("LuckyHits") },
["damage with hits is unlucky"] = { flag("UnluckyHits") },
["chaos damage with hits is lucky"] = { flag("ChaosLuckyHits") },
["elemental damage with hits is lucky while you are shocked"] = { flag("ElementalLuckHits", { type = "Condition", var = "Shocked" }) },
["allies' aura buffs do not affect you"] = { flag("AlliesAurasCannotAffectSelf") },
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3565,6 +3567,8 @@ local specialModList = {
["%+(%d+)%% chance to block attack damage if you have not blocked recently"] = function(num) return { mod("BlockChance", "BASE", num, { type = "Condition", var = "BlockedRecently", neg = true }) } end,
["%+(%d+)%% chance to block spell damage if you have not blocked recently"] = function(num) return { mod("SpellBlockChance", "BASE", num, { type = "Condition", var = "BlockedRecently", neg = true }) } end,
["y?o?u?r? ?chance to block is lucky"] = { flag("BlockChanceIsLucky"), flag("ProjectileBlockChanceIsLucky"),flag("SpellBlockChanceIsLucky"), flag("SpellProjectileBlockChanceIsLucky") },
["y?o?u?r? ?chance to block attack damage is lucky"] = { flag("BlockChanceIsLucky"), flag("ProjectileBlockChanceIsLucky") },
["y?o?u?r? ?chance to block attack damage is unlucky"] = { flag("BlockChanceIsUnlucky"), flag("ProjectileBlockChanceIsUnlucky") },
["y?o?u?r? ?chance to block is unlucky"] = { flag("BlockChanceIsUnlucky"), flag("ProjectileBlockChanceIsUnlucky"), flag("SpellBlockChanceIsUnlucky"), flag("SpellProjectileBlockChanceIsUnlucky") },
["y?o?u?r? ?chance to block spell damage is lucky"] = { flag("SpellBlockChanceIsLucky"), flag("SpellProjectileBlockChanceIsLucky") },
["y?o?u?r? ?chance to block spell damage is unlucky"] = { flag("SpellBlockChanceIsUnlucky"), flag("SpellProjectileBlockChanceIsUnlucky") },
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -4297,6 +4301,7 @@ local specialModList = {
["immun[ei]t?y? to ignite during f?l?a?s?k? ?effect"] = { flag("IgniteImmune", { type = "Condition", var = "UsingFlask" }) },
["immun[ei]t?y? to bleeding during f?l?a?s?k? ?effect"] = { flag("BleedImmune", { type = "Condition", var = "UsingFlask" }) },
["immun[ei]t?y? to curses during f?l?a?s?k? ?effect"] = { flag("CurseImmune", { type = "Condition", var = "UsingFlask" }) },
["immun[ei]t?y? to curses while channelling"] = { flag("CurseImmune", { type = "Condition", var = "Channelling" }) },
["you are unaffected by (.+) if you've cast (.-) in the past (%d+) seconds"] = function (_, ailment, curse) return {
mod("Self"..ailment:gsub("^%l", string.upper).."Effect", "MORE", -100, { type = "Condition", var = "SelfCast"..curse:gsub("^%l", string.upper):gsub(" %l", string.upper):gsub(" ", "") }, { type = "GlobalEffect", effectType = "Global", unscalable = true })
} end,
Expand Down

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