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RandomHash miner for the PascalCoin project


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RandomHash miner for the PascalCoin blockchain.
Support Intel/AMD 64 bit CPU and NVidia GPU.
Support stratum and solo mining
Works on Windows 7,10 and Ubuntu 18

Download prebuilt binaries

Current version is 1.5.2

There is one prebuilt binariy per OS and CUDA architectures.

Alternative download site :

Mining locally/Solo

To mine locally/solo you'll need the official PascalCoin wallet
In order to mine locally with rhminer, You need to set a miner name smaller than 26 characters and mine into a private key with encryption type secp256k1
The best way to assure you're mining in a secp256k1 private key is to create one and select it in the option "Always mine with this key".
Do not use the "Use random existing key" option because if one of your key is not a secp256k1 key, the miner will exit when. Plus when there is to much keys in the wallet it gives out errors, sometimes, when submiting nonces
To ensure your miner name is correct, go to Project menu, then Options and set a miner name smaller than 26 characters
To get the number of logical cores, on you system, simply run rhminer with the -completelist option. The last line is the cpu description with the amount of logical core. Ex :

C:\rhminer>rhminer -completelist

  rhminer v1.5.2 beta for CPU by polyminer1 (
  Buid CPU Nov 19 2018 20:04:01

  Donations : Pascal account 529692-23
  Donations : Bitcoin address 19GfXGpRJfwcHPx2Nf8wHgMps8Eat1o4Jp

CPU : Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4460 CPU @ 3.20GHz with 4 logical cores

This tells you what is the ideal maximum number of threads for cpu mining (-cputhreads)

Solo mining examples:

For Test net solo mining :  rhminer.exe -v 2 -r 20 -s -cpu -cputhreads 1 -gpu 0 -gputhreads 100 -extrapayload HelloWorld
For Main net solo mining :  rhminer.exe -v 2 -r 20 -s -cpu -cputhreads 1 -gpu 0 -gputhreads 100 -extrapayload HelloWorld

NOTE: remove -gpu 0 -gputhreads 100 if you dont have a gpu

Note2: It is not recommended to mine using a laptop.

Supported Cuda architecture

  • Kepler GTX 700 series, Tesla K40/K80
  • Maxwell GTX 900 series, Quadro M series, GTX Titan X
  • Pascal GTX 1000 series, Titan Xp, Tesla P40, Tesla P4,GP100/Tesla P100 DGX-1
  • Volta GTX 1100 series (GV104), Tesla V100
  • Turing GTX 2000 series (GTX RTX, GTX 2060, GTX 2070, GTX 2080)

Gpu mining

To mine using gpu you must provide the gpu numbers and the amount of threads for each gpu.
If you only have one gpu, use -gpu 0 and -gputhreads {amount of threads}
If you have more than one gpus, you can see their number by executing the miner with the list option :

C:>rhminer -list 

  rhminer v0.9 beta for CPU and NVIDIA GPUs by polyminer1 (

  Donations : Pascal account 529692-23
  Donations : Bitcoin address 19GfXGpRJfwcHPx2Nf8wHgMps8Eat1o4Jp

List of gpus and cpus:
GPU0 : GeForce GTX 1060 3GB
GPU1 : GeForce GTX 1060 3GB
GPU2 : GeForce GTX 950 2GB
CPU  : Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4460 CPU @ 3.20GHz

Then select the ones you want to mine with like this :

rhminer -s http://localhost:4009 -gpu 1,2 -gputhreads 262,102

Ideal CUDA threads count

To find the ideal maximum amount of threads, start with 75% of the memory divided by 8.8.
For a GTX 1060 3GB that is 3000 * 0.75 / 8.8 = 255 threads.
Then run 2 minutes and if everything is stable, raise by say 32 until you get no crashes after 2 min.
To help you in that process, look for the log line that say "CUDA: Using " when the miner starts. It will indicate how much memory you take and how much is left depending on your selected thread count.
ALLWAYS let at lease 150 meg of free memory, for internal OS operations, or you have stability issues.

Tested on

CPU: I3, I5, Core2, Xeon, Athlon
GPU: GTX 950, GTX 1060, GTX 1070
CUDA: Linux CUDA 9.1, Windows CUDA 9.2


  • CPU optimization using SSe4 and AVX
  • Adding more stability to GPU mining
  • GPU optimizations
  • curl Api for stats and control

Performances for V1.3

Cpu/GPU OS Threads Speed in H/s Extra infos
i5-7500 CPU @ 3.40GHz Win10 4 1112
i5-3337U CPU @ 1.80GHz Win10 4 417
i5-2400 CPU @ 3.1 GHz Win10 4 791
i7-4770 Linux 8 1070
i7-4770 @ 3.7 GHz Win10 8 1344 dual ddr3 1333 memory
i7-4770K @ 4.5 GHz Kali 8 1841
i7-7700K @ 4.7 GHz Ubuntu 8 2107 dual ddr4 3200 memory
i7-4790K Ubuntu 8 1760 dual channel
i7-4790K Win10 8 1420 dual channel
i7-4980HQ Ubuntu 8 1396
i7-4980HQ Win10 8 1360
i7-5600U Ubuntu 4 541
i7-5600U Win7 4 492
i7-6700K @ 4.6 GHz Ubuntu 8 1755 dual ddr4 3200 memory
Xeon(R) CPU W3520 @ 2.67GHz Win10 8 819
Xeon(R) CPU E5-2665 0 @ 2.40GH Win10 16 1645
Xeon(r) CPU E5-2630v4 ? 14 1900
Xeon(r) CPU E5-2420v2 on Hyper-V ? 8 800
Xeon(R) CPU X5650 @ 2.67GHz ? 24 2357
Xeon(R) CPU X5675 Win10 12 1419 tripple channel
Xeon(R) CPU X5675 Ubuntu 12 1734 tripple channel
Xeon 12 core ES v3 E5 @ 2.7 GHz Kali 25 3400
Xeon(R) Platinum 8168 CPU @ 2.70GHz ? 32 7162
Dual Xeon(R) X5675 Win10 24 2330 tripple channel
Dual Xeon(R) X5675 Ubuntu 24 2850 tripple channel
Ryzen 1800x Win10 16 2560
Ryzen threadripper 1950X @ 3.4 Ghz Ubuntu 32 5378 sseboost 1, Quad Channel ddr4 3200mhz
Ryzen 2700 @ 3.4 GHz Ubuntu 6 2856 sseboost 1, Quad Channel ddr4 3200mhz
Ryzen 2700x@ 4.09 GHz Kali 8 3046
Core(TM) 2 QuadCore Q6600 @ 2.40GHz Win7 4 397
Intel Atom X7 Win10 4 240
Intel Pentium 4400 @3.3Ghz Win10 2 504 dual ddr4 2400 memory
Intel Pentium G3420 Ubuntu 2 445
Intel Celeron 3930 @2.9GHz Win10 2 447 mono ddr4 2400 memory
AMD PHENOM-II-X6 @ 3.25Ghz Win10 6 564 oldgen, ddr3 memory
AMD PHENOM-II-X4 @ 3.6 GHz Ubuntu 4 460 oldgen, ddr3 memory

NOTE: I do not recommend to overclock your cpu. If you do it, it's at your own risk.

Performance for v.1.4 on CUDA

GPU OS Threads Speed in H/s
gtx 950 2gb Windows 140 140
Gtx 1060 3gb Windows 280 305
Gtx 1070 8gb Windows 384 467

note: raw is for raw performance on all hyper-threads. This does not represent real life performance.

Build instructions (Windows)

Install VisualStudio 2017 with chose Platform Toolset v140
Install the lastest NVIDIA Display Driver
Install the CUDA Toolkit 9.2 (or more)
Install boost_1_64_0 and make libs using bjam (
Open solution, select target and compile

Build Linux (Ubuntu)

sudo apt-get install git build-essential cmake
install CUDA ToolKit
Install and compile boost_1_64_0
Install jsoncpp
git clone
cd rhminer
mkdir build
cd build
To build for CUDA Pascal : cmake -DRH_CPU_ONLY=OFF -DRH_DEBUG_TARGET=OFF -DRH_CUDA_ARCH=Pascal --target all ..
To build for CPU only : cmake -DRH_CPU_ONLY=ON -DRH_DEBUG_TARGET=OFF --target all ..
make all

Stability issues

Thre are some limitations on nvidia gpu to consider.

First, the kernel is not 100% stable in all settings. This mean you'll have to experiment to find the stable sweet spot in term of gputhreads. Maximum thread count does not mean maximum speed. Sometimes lower thread count will give you more stability and more speed also.

On multiple gpu rigs, it's NOT recommended to mine CPU at the same time. You'll have more kernel timeout error because the driver will lack cpu time.
Also, it is recommented, on multiple GPU rigs, to run the miner in a loop in a batch file !


On Windows 7/8/10, if you get the missing OpenCL.dll error you need to download it into rhminer's folder. (hint: You can safely get one with the Intel SDK on Intel's opencl website)

Command line options

General options:
  -maxsubmiterrors      Stop the miner when a number of consecutive submit errors occured.
                        Default is 10 consecutive errors.
                        This is usefull when mining into local wallet.
  -extrapayload         An extra payload to be added when submiting solution to local wallet.
  -apiport              Tcp port of the remote api.
                        Default port is 7111.
                        Set to 0 to disable server
  -worktimeout          No new work timeout. Default is 60 seconds
  -displayspeedtimeout  Display mining speeds every x seconds.
                        Default is 10
  -logfilename          Set the name of the log's filename.
                        Note: the log file will be overwritten every time you start rhminer
  -configfile           Xml config file containing all config options.
                        All other command line options are ignored if config file given.
  -processpriority      On windows only. Set miner's process priority.
                        0=Background Process, 1=Low Priority, 2=Normal Priority, 3=High Priority.
                        Default is 3.
                        WARNING: Changing this value will affect GPU mining.
  -v                    Log verbosity. From 0 to 3.
                        0 no log, 1 normal log, 2 include warnings. 3 network and silent logs.
                        Default is 1
  -list                 List all gpu in the system
  -completelist         Exhaustive list of all devices in the system
  -diff                 Set local difficulyu. ex: -diff 999
  -processorsaffinity   On windows only. Force miner to only run on selected logical core processors.
                        ex: -processorsaffinity 0,3 will make the miner run only on logical core #0 and #3.
                        WARNING: Changing this value will affect GPU mining.
  -h                    Display Help
  -help                 Display Help
  -?                    Display Help

Optimizations options:
  -memoryboost          This option will enable some memory optimizations that could make the miner slower on some cpu.
                        Test it with -testperformance before using it.
                        1 to enable boost. 0 to disable boost.
                        Enabled, by default, on cpu with hyperthreading.
  -sseboost             This option will enable some sse4 optimizations.
                        It could make the miner slower on some cpu.
                        Test it with -testperformance before using it.
                        1 to enable SSe4.1 optimizations. 0 to disable.
                        Disabled by default. 

Gpu options:
  -cpu                  Enable the use of CPU to mine.
                        ex '-cpu -cputhreads 4' will enable mining on cpu while gpu mining.
  -cputhreads           Number of CPU miner threads when mining with CPU. ex: -cpu -cputhreads 4.
                        NOTE: adding + before thread count will disable the maximum thread count safety of one thread per core/hyperthread.
                        Use this at your own risk.

Network options:
  -dar                  Disable auto-reconnect on connection lost.
                        Note : The miner will exit uppon loosing connection. 
  -s                    Stratum/wallet server address:port.
                        NOTE: You can also use http://address to connect to local wallet.
  -su                   Stratum user
  -pw                   Stratum password
  -fo                   Failover address:port for stratum or local wallet
  -fou                  Failover user for stratum of a local wallet
  -fop                  Failover password for stratum or local wallet
  -r                    Retries connection count for stratum or local wallet

Debug options:
  -forcesequentialnonce (For debugging purpose) Force search nonce to be sequential, starting at 0. 
                        WARNING: This will gerate alot of uncle and refused solutions. 
  -disablecachednoncereuse (For debugging purpose) Disable RandomHash cached nonce reuse. 
                        This will lower hashrate substantially. 
  -testperformance      Run performance test for an amount of seconds. 
  -testperformancethreads Amount of threads to use for performance test. 


 Mining solo on cpu          : rhminer.exe -v 2 -r 20 -s -cpu -cputhreads 4 -extrapayload HelloWorld
 Mining solo on cpu and gpu  : rhminer.exe -v 2 -r 20 -s -cpu -cputhreads 4 -gpu 0 -gputhreads 262 -extrapayload HelloWorld
 Mining on a pool with 6 gpu : rhminer.exe -v 2 -r 20 -s stratum+tcp:// -su MyUsername -gpu 0,1,2,3,4,5 -gputhreads 400,512,512,512,210,512 -extrapayload Rig1

Api access

Default port is 7111. Just sending empty string will return mining status in json format like that:

	"infos": [
			"name": "GPU2",
			"threads": 262,
			"speed": 114,
			"accepted": 1,
			"rejected": 0,
			"temp": 0,
			"fan": 0
			"name": "CPU",
			"threads": 2,
			"speed": 266,
			"accepted": 3,
			"rejected": 0,
			"temp": 0,
			"fan": 0
	"speed": 380,
	"accepted": 4,
	"rejected": 0,
	"failed": 0,
	"uptime": 91,
	"extrapayload": "",
	"stratum.server": "localhost:4109",
	"stratum.user": "",
	"diff": 0.00000049

Developer Donation

Default donation is 1%.
Donation is hardcoded in the binaries downloadable on gitgub. That is to recoup the 6 month it toke to R&D, develop, stabilize and optimize this miner and for the upcoming bug fixes and many upcoming optimizations.
To disable donation download and compile locally, then use the -devfee option with chosen donation percentage. 0 will disable the donation.

For direct donations:

  • Pascal wallet 529692-23
  • Bitcoin address 19GfXGpRJfwcHPx2Nf8wHgMps8Eat1o4Jp


Discord user ID : polyminer1#8454 Discord channel : (PascalCoin discord server)
Discord channel : (polyminer1 discord server)
Bitcointalk :


RandomHash miner for the PascalCoin project







No packages published


  • C++ 70.8%
  • C 24.4%
  • Cuda 3.0%
  • CMake 1.2%
  • Python 0.5%
  • Shell 0.1%