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Git helpers - custom commands

Git is really extensible. You can even create your own commands by simply making a file named git-mycommand in your PATH. Now you can reference the command as git mycommand from anywhere.

This repository contains a collection of my personal git helpers which I use in my workflow. The reason why I made those helpers as custom commands, and not as git aliases, is simply because they are a lot more customizable. I can pass parameters to the command, provide default values, custom messages, keyboard input, etc.


Clone this repository and move the files in your PATH. You can move them in ~/.local/bin for the current user, or /usr/local/bin for all users on the machine.

After that you have to mark them as executable. Something like chmod +x git-* should do the work.

Clear merged branches

git cmb [brachname]

This command will remove all merged branches, compared to the currently active branch or the one provided as a first parameter.

Example usage:

papernick@PaperNick-S1:~/Adminer-Material-Theme (master)$ git cmb
Those branches are merged into "master" and are no longer used.
Are you sure you want to delete them? [y]
Deleted branch feature/my-awesome-feature (was f5ecc7e).
Deleted branch fix/quick-patch (was 23f0ace).

This command is useful when you have incorporated a change in master and you no longer need the feature branch.

Bonus: You can specify which branches should be skipped when running the command. You only need to modify the BRANCHES_TO_SKIP array in the script.

Stash changes in the current branch

I make a lot of commits all the time. I use them for everything, even as a replacement for stashes.

When I jump between branches to work on different tasks, I often have to save my current changes somewhere. The first thing that comes to mind is git stash. But if you use it too much, it will eventually get bloated with all sorts of stashes.

That's where git save comes to the rescue! You no longer have to remember where to apply a given stash, because git save is going to make a stash commit with datetime in your current branch.

Example usage:

papernick@PaperNick-S1:~/Adminer-Material-Theme (feature/awesome)$ git status
 M adminer.css
 M src/adminer.scss
papernick@PaperNick-S1:~/Adminer-Material-Theme (feature/awesome)$ git save
[feature/awesome 7e55134] Stash 2018-04-24 23:14:38
 3 files changed, 36 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)
papernick@PaperNick-S1:~/Adminer-Material-Theme (feature/awesome)$ git log
commit 7e5513481958cf2f1c6380ff1d9b240ee50a9df8
Date:   Tue Apr 24 23:14:38 2018 +0300

    Stash 2018-04-24 23:14:38

Undo commit but keep the changes

So far so good. We've managed to stash our changes into our active branch, but how do we unstash them? It can get really tedious to type git reset HEAD~1 all the time, just to unstash from git save.

That's how git undo saves the day! You can easily undo commits, but keep the changes introduced into them.

Example usage: Uncommit the last commit (press Enter once again for confirmation):

papernick@PaperNick-S1:~/Adminer-Material-Theme (feature/awesome)$ git undo
Files that are about to be uncommitted:
aea42b1 removed footer border
M       adminer.css
M       src/adminer.scss
Are you sure you want to uncommit the changes back to "23f0ace54ed6fa577e2d51e9c3307fa008718f83"?
Press [q] to cancel.

Unstaged changes after reset:
M	adminer.css
M	src/adminer.scss

Uncommit several commits back, or provide commit hash (press Enter once again for confirmation):

papernick@PaperNick-S1:~/Adminer-Material-Theme (feature/awesome)$ git undo HEAD~3
papernick@PaperNick-S1:~/Adminer-Material-Theme (feature/awesome)$ git undo 1a8fbe1

Show changes in a commit with a GUI difftool

The default behavior of git show is to display changes introduced in a commit. The only problem is that it shows the diff in the console. If you're dealing with a larger commit, the chances are that you're going to get lost very quickly.

This where git showtool comes into play! By default git showtool is going to show the changes from the latest commit in your branch. The first parameter gives you the opportunity to specify a commit hash.

Example usage:

papernick@PaperNick-S1:~/Adminer-Material-Theme (master)$ git showtool HEAD~2
papernick@PaperNick-S1:~/Adminer-Material-Theme (master)$ git showtool f5ecc7e
papernick@PaperNick-S1:~/Adminer-Material-Theme (master)$ git showtool

Note: You need to set a difftool first. I use meld:

git config --global diff.tool meld

Reset changes safely

When I start working on a feature, I usually implement it in the most straightforward way, just to make it work. After that, I iterate over the initial solution until it's polished and it looks clean.

This usually works fine, but there are times that things go completely wrong, and only a fresh start with git reset --hard HEAD can clear things up. This command basically resets all your uncommitted changes, as if they never existed. But after you've executed this command, you remember that there was a hidden gem among the waste. Well, too bad, it's gone forever.

With git wipe, you can safely clear you current changes without having any second thoughts. Before deleting the changes, git wipe actually commits them, prints the commit hash into the console, and then removes them. The cool thing about this, is that if you want to restore them, you only need to revive the commit by its hash that was printed earlier. A simple git cherry-pick hash-of-deleted-changes should do the work.

Example usage:

papernick@PaperNick-S1:~/Adminer-Material-Theme (master)$ git status
 M Gruntfile.js
papernick@PaperNick-S1:~/Adminer-Material-Theme (master)$ git wipe
Wiped content commit hash was: 7f5aa79
HEAD is now at b15c27c Updated by listing the differences from the original theme
papernick@PaperNick-S1:~/Adminer-Material-Theme (master)$ echo 'Oh no! My precious grunt task!'
Oh no! My precious grunt task!
papernick@PaperNick-S1:~/Adminer-Material-Theme (master)$ git cherry-pick 7f5aa79
[master dec7ca2] Wipe checkpoint
 Date: Mon Oct 1 23:17:44 2018 +0300
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
papernick@PaperNick-S1:~/Adminer-Material-Theme (master)$ git show HEAD~1..HEAD --stat
commit 7f5aa790e8c9894d23adc1fcc1e662d8c2308f1c
Date:   Mon Oct 1 23:17:44 2018 +0300

    Wipe checkpoint

 Gruntfile.js | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
papernick@PaperNick-S1:~/Adminer-Material-Theme (master)$ echo 'Whew, everything is here'
Whew, everything is here

Rebase multiple branches simultaneously

The problem

You've probably had to work on different tasks in different branches at the same time at some point. Those separate branches can quickly get outdated if your master branch is more active. And in order to keep them up-to-date, you need to synchronize them.

Personally, I'm using git rebase to synchronize my feature branches in order to maintain a more linear history. If you've ever used rebase, you know that you need to do several operations in order to synchronize.

  1. You'd generally want to refresh your main branch first (master in my case)
  2. After switching to the main branch, you need to pull the upstream changes.
  3. Then you need to go back to the feature branch you want to update
  4. You need to initiate a rebase
  5. Finally, push the rebased branch upstream

Off topic note: If you're more familiar with git, you probably already know that some of those steps can be condensed. git pull gives us the ability to specify the merge strategy and basically write:

git pull origin master --rebase

But I don't use this one-liner because it doesn't update my local copy of master. And if later I want to interactively rebase on master, I'd instinctively write git rebase -i master and then wonder what went wrong. Then I eventually remember that I didn't update my local copy of master. (Yes I know I can rebase on origin/master, but I'm lazy and this is longer. Plus, when creating new branches I need to explicitly create them from origin/master).

End off topic note

So if you need to go through those steps a couple of times to update several branches, it can get annoying.

The solution

And that's how git rb was born. This command basically gives you the ability to rebase a given list of branches onto a given branch in one shot.

Example usage:

git rb feature/home fix/buggy-page docs/update-api

You can specify the push flag at the end to forcefully update the upstream branches: -p or --push. You can also specify which branch you want to rebase onto (the default is master).

For a more detailed usage type:

git rb -h

Cool, but I don't want to type out the full name of the branches every time.

Fear not, and let bash autocomplete handle the heavy lifting.

To enable autocomplete of branches for git rb:

  1. Create a file named git-rb in /etc/bash_completion.d

    sudo touch /etc/bash_completion.d/git-rb
  2. Enter the following content

    source /usr/share/bash-completion/completions/git
    function _git_rb () {

    Note: If you're using a different shell (like zsh), make sure to source the correct path. You can always download the git completion scripts from here if you cannot find them in your distribution:


Git helpers for more productivity






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