This repo contains CSVs of Pokemon data I use for my various projects on Most of the data is official and from PokeAPI, then transformed to a format that makes more sense for my needs. Gaps in data are filled in using various official game data dumps or Pokemon fan sites such as Bulbapedia, Serebii, etc. Some of the data is custom (by me).
In general, this repo only contains current data relevent to my projects. You're welcome to use it, though as I base the structure on my project needs, I may adjust it without warning.
I'm happy to take contributions to this repo, just a few notes:
- Wrong or Missing Data: feel free to open an issue or pull request if you spot wrong or missing data.
- Missing Pokemon Forms: I mostly stick to Pokemon forms from core games, with a handful from spin-offs I like. If you see something missing, feel free to ask.
- Uncollected Data: for data I'm not yet collecting, feel free to open an issue to ask to see if that's something I'm looking to track. If I am, contributions may be appreciated.
- Historic/Change Log Data: not tracking right now, sorry. I'm keeping data in this repo up-to-date with the latest game/DLC releases (preferring core games to spin-offs) and not tracking data that has changed over games.
A list of all the tables and a brief explanation of what's in it. See below for more structural notes.
If you're here for Pokemon data, 90% of what you need is in the pkmnForm
or pkmnSpecies
tables. These are where all the information about a Pokemon is stored. pkmnForm
is form specific data (data that can change between forms), pkmnSpecies
is species specific data (data that is the same for all forms of a species).
The first column in all tables is a primary key with the naming scheme tableNameId
. If referenced in another table (foreign key) it uses this name unless referenced more than once. In that case, additional clarifiers may be added. Example, in the pkmnForm
table, typeId1
and typeId2
columns reference the type
table (typeId1
is the form's primary type, typeId2
is the secondary type).
If I got the data from PokeAPI, I try to keep the primary keys in line with their data. But in cases I don't, I've added a column to track the associated PokeAPI id.
"Calculated" columns are columns where I run a script to update them. These are columns that can be derived from other columns, but are useful enough to have precalculated rather than calculate at runtime in a project.
List of abilities.
Column | Description |
abilityId | Primary key |
name | Name |
generationId | Links to generation ; generation introduced |
List of SV biomes.
Column | Description |
biomeId | Primary key |
name | Name |
List of form change and evolution methods. This is high level and non-specific information like "when the Pokemon gains a level" and doesn't contain extra details like the specific level.
Column | Description |
changeMethodId | Primary key |
name | Name |
description | Description |
List of form change and evolution processes. This is detailed information on how a Pokemon can evolve or change form.
Column | Description |
changeProcessId | Primary key |
name | Name |
changeMethodId | Link to changeMethod ; the change method |
level | Required level |
item | Required item |
time | Required time (time of day, duration, range) |
abilityId | Link to ability ; required ability |
move | Required move; once I create a move table, this will be renamed to moveId and link to that table |
count | Required count/quantity/threshold/percentage/etc, what it represents depends on the change method |
typeId | Link to type ; required type |
genderId | Link to gender ; required gender |
additionalPkmnFormId | Link to pkmnForm ; required Pokemon |
regionId | Link to region ; required region |
isRegionNot | If the region is negated; 1=not in the regionId , 0=in the regionId |
value | Required value not covered in another column, such as location/weather/game/etc |
isUnique | TBH I'm slowly phasing this out, it predated the changeMethodId column and I'd like to move unique criteria to there |
additionalInfo | Additional information; if isUnique =1 then what the unique condition is |
Links form to their evolution/new form and the process by which they change.
Column | Description |
changeProcessLinkId | Primary key |
pkmnFormId | Link to pkmnForm ; the base Pokemon form |
newPkmnFormId | Link to pkmnForm ; the new Pokemon form |
isEvolution | If the change is an evolution or form change; 1=Evolution, 0=Form change |
changeProcessId | Link to changeProcess ; the change process used |
List of official PokeDex colors.
Column | Description |
colorId | Primary key |
name | Name |
List of contest type information.
Column | Description |
contestTypeId | Primary key |
name | Name |
flavor | Flavor |
colorName | Color |
List of egg groups.
Column | Description |
eggGroupId | Primary key |
name | Name |
List of form categories.
Column | Description |
formTypeId | Primary key |
name | Name |
List of Friend Areas (Rescue Team Camps) from relevant PMD games.
Column | Description |
friendAreaId | Primary key |
parentFriendAreaId | Link to friendArea ; the folder/parent of this row |
name | Name |
isFolder | 1=this is a folder/group of Friend Areas; 0=this row is a Friend Area |
List of Pokemon genders.
Column | Description |
genderId | Primary key |
name | Name |
List of gender ratios.
Column | Description |
genderRatioId | Primary key |
name | Name |
value | When divided by 1000, gives you the percent chance of female |
List of game generations.
Column | Description |
generationId | Primary key |
roman | Roman numerals |
regionId | Link to region , the primary region of the major core game of this generation |
Links the members of a group. Only one of pkmnFormId
, pkmnSpeciesId
, or groupId
is filled out.
Column | Description |
groupMemberId | Primary key |
groupId | Link to group ; the group this member is a part of |
pkmnFormId | Link to pkmnForm ; member's form |
pkmnSpeciesId | Link to pkmnSpecies ; member's species, shorthand for adding all forms of a species to a group |
childGroupId | Link to group ; sub-group, shorthand for adding all members of another group to a group |
List of groups.
Column | Description |
groupId | Primary key |
name | Name |
type | How group members are added; "family" means all members of a Pokemon's family are included |
sort | Preferred sort order: alphabetical by category then PokeDex order |
List of growth rates.
Column | Description |
growthRateId | Primary key |
name | Name |
List of habitats.
Column | Description |
habitatId | Primary key |
name | Name |
List of natures.
Column | Description |
natureId | Primary key |
name | Name |
List of Pal Park Areas.
Column | Description |
palParkAreaId | Primary key |
name | Name |
List of Pokemon forms, specifically data that can change between a Pokemon's different forms.
Column | Description |
pkmnFormId | Primary key |
pkmnSpeciesId | Link to pkmnSpecies ; the form's species |
orderNum | Sort order, relative to the species' other forms |
name | Full name |
formName | Form name |
formTypeId | Link to formType ; form category |
regionId | Link to region ; region if a regional form |
isDefault | 1=this form is the species's default form |
isBattleOnly | 1=this form is only available during battler |
isCosmetic | 1=this form has only cosmetic changes; other stats should be identical |
isEvent | 1=this form is only available via official events |
isSexuallyDimorphic | 1=this form has gender differences, either this is a gender-specific form or different genders have different appearances |
isSpecial | 1=this form is non-standard: glitch, legacy, unavailable, etc. |
typeId1 | Link to type ; primary type |
typeId2 | Link to type ; secondary type |
hp | Base HP stat |
att | Base Attack stat |
def | Base Defense stat |
spAtt | Base Special Attack stat |
spDef | Base Special Defense stat |
spd | Base Speed |
specialStat | Base Special Stat, from RBGY |
height | Height, divide by 10 to get meters |
weight | Weight, divide by 10 to get kg |
generationId | Link to generation ; generation introduced |
genderRatioId | Link to genderRatio ; form's gender ratio |
colorId | Link to color ; official PokeDex color |
shapeId | Link to shape ; PokeDex shape |
abilityId1 | Link to ability ; primary ability |
abilityId2 | Link to ability ; secondary ability |
abilityIdHidden | Link to ability ; hidden ability |
eggGroupId1 | Link to eggGroup ; primary egg group |
eggGroupId2 | Link to eggGroup ; secondary egg group |
category | PokeDex category |
friendship | Base friendship |
exp | Base experience yield |
hpEVs | Base HP EV yield |
attEVs | Base Attack EV yield |
defEVs | Base Defense EV yield |
spAttEVs | Base Special Attack EV yield |
spDefEVs | Base Special Defense EV yield |
spdEVs | Base Speed EV yield |
friendAreaId | Link to friendArea ; PMD Friend Area/Rescue Camp |
isGigantic | If in the PMD games this Pokemon takes up multiple tiles |
pSpeed | Performance Stat: Speed (Min, Base, Max) |
pPower | Performance Stat: Power (Min, Base, Max) |
pSkill | Performance Stat: Skill (Min, Base, Max) |
pStamina | Performance Stat: Stamina (Min, Base, Max) |
pJump | Performance Stat: Jump (Min, Base, Max) |
pokeAPIId | Link to PokeAPI's pokemon_forms |
pokeAPIPokemonId | Link to PokeAPI's pokemon |
List of Pokemon species, specifically data that does not change between a Pokemon's different forms.
Column | Description |
pkmnSpeciesId | Primary key |
orderNum | Sort order, groups a family together |
name | Name |
baseCatchRate | Base catch rate |
baseEggCycle | Base egg cycle |
generationId | Link to generation ; generation introduced |
genderRatioId | Link to genderRatio ; species's gender ratio |
growthRateId | Link to growthRate ; growth rate |
speciesTypeId1 | Link to speciesType ; species category |
speciesTypeId2 | Link to speciesType ; another species category because I didn't feel like making a one-to-many linking table for this |
habitatId | Link to habitat ; FRLG habitat |
palParkAreaId | Link to palParkArea ; HGSS/DPPt Pal Park area |
IQGroup | PMD: TDS IQ group |
bodySize | PMD: TDS body size |
recruitChance1 | Main PMD recruitment chance; divide by 1000 for % chance |
recruitChance2 | Alternate PMD recruitment chance; divide by 1000 for % chance |
recruitChance3 | Shiny PMD: DX recruitment chance; divide by 1000 for % chance |
stage | Calculated; stage |
familySpeciesId | Calculated; link to pkmnSpecies ; the first stage of this species |
formCount | Calculated; number of forms |
evolutionCount | Calculated; number of evolutions |
preEvolutionCount | Calculated; number of pre-evolutions |
List of regions. I only add regions here only when I need that info referenced in other tables, so I don't have all regions listed.
Column | Description |
regionId | Primary key |
name | Name |
demonym | Fancy word for what you'd call someone from this region; i.e. "Kantonian" |
isCore | Is this a core game region |
List of PokeDex shapes.
Column | Description |
shapeId | Primary key |
name | Unofficial name |
List of species categories.
Column | Description |
speciesTypeId | Primary key |
name | Name |
List of types.
Column | Description |
typeId | Primary key |
pokeAPIId | Link to PokeAPI types |
name | Name |
hexColor | Official hex color |
isCore | If this is one of the main 18 types |
pureCount | Calculated; count of types per forms; +1 per type |
weightedCount | Calculated; count of types per forms; +1 if mono-typed form, +0.5 if dual-typed form |
pureSpeciesCount | Calculated; like pureCount but weighed for a species |
weightedSpeciesCount | Calculated; like weightedCount but weighed for a species |
List of how Pokemon types interact with one another.
Column | Description |
typeChartId | Primary key |
attTypeId | Link to type ; attacking type |
defTypeId | Link to type ; defending type |
modifier | Modifier |