The project contains the common endpoints of the iSHARE scheme:
- First you need to have an iSHARE test certificate. You can request one here.
- For now, the certificate is provided to the docker container as a (secret) environment variable. Extract the byte stream from the certificate file (p12 of pfx). For example using PowerShell:
$fileContentBytes = Get-Content <test-certificate.p12> -Encoding Byte -Raw
[System.Convert]::ToBase64String($fileContentBytes) | Out-File <test-certificate.p12-bytes.txt>
- Pull the docker container using:
docker pull
- Set the following environment variables:
- ClientId > Your EORI, for example: EU.EORI.NL888888881
- SchemeOwnerUrl > Use the iSHARE scheme owner url of the test environment:
- SchemeOwnerIdentifier > Use the EORI of the iSHARE scheme owner: EU.EORI.NL000000000
- Certificate > Your iSHARE test certificate as a byte stream as created in step 2.
- CertificatePassword > The password of the iSHARE test certificate.
- CertificateChain > The certificates of the iSHARE Test CA as a comma separated byte stream. Use step 2 to get these. In case your certificate is issued by C=NL, O=iSHARE Foundation, CN=TEST iSHARE Foundation PKIoverheid Organisatie Server CA - G3, you can use this chain.
- CertificateChainPassword > Empty string for public test certificates: ""
- IshareRole > Your role in the iSHARE scheme. Should be one of the following values: Authorization Registry, Scheme Owner, Service Provider
- ApiVersion > The version of your iSHARE API
- TokenEndpointId > A self chosen GUID to identify your token endpoint. You can generate one on GuidGen
- TokenEndpointUrl > The URL of your token endpoint. Usually your api address appended with /token
- CapabilitiesEndpointId > A self chosen GUID to identify your capabilities endpoint. You can generate one on GuidGen
- CapabilitiesEndpointUrl > The URL of your capabilities endpoint. Usually your api address appended with /capabilities
- PublicEndpoints > A semicolon separated string to represent all of your public iSHARE endpoints. The values of the endpoint itself are pipe separated, for example:
- PrivateEndpoints > Like PublicEndpoints, a semicolon separated string to represent all of your private iSHARE endpoints, for example:
This container (release 0.2.0) is successfully tested against the iSHARE Conformance Test Tool. This means that the capabilities and token endpoints are implemented in conformance with the iSHARE specification. The test results can be found here. Note that one test fails, but we are certain that the test is incorrect, not the response :)
This package was developed with partial funding from the Dutch Topsector Logistics.