This is my Manager Readme: a handbook for setting expectations between us; just you and me.
In this document, I will try and be myself, presented through text -- with the help of some emojis along the way... This should be expected from you if we're going to properly build trust.
You didn't ask for me to make this, but I made it for you. Well, more accurately, I made it for us.
I'm looking forward to getting to know you, and this document is not intended to replace the in-person relationship or mutual understanding that we will build over time. The intention of this document is to give you an idea of how I think, and how I work! So, let's work through it, and I hope that you can use this as an accurate "reference guide" to me as a person, my expectations, and the way I manage...
If you've met me in person, you'd well know that I can be crude, loud and (hopefully, only sometimes) obnoxious! Well, as a result, this document is too.
You'll also notice that I'm not scared to have a discussion about just about any topic and if you ask, I will (try and) give you a straight answer. Some people call this Radical Candor. I prefer the terms "open, honest and direct" -- which is also (not-so coincidentally) one of the slogans of my current employer!
PLEASE NOTE: This is unashamedly a work-in-progress.
You can check when I last updated this over on GitHub.
I've been holding onto this document in draft form for far too long; it's time to just ship it!
This book will change over time, as I learn, develop and change my style. While I don't expect it to change often, I'm sure there will be constant tweaks.
This is built using GitBook, and run from my personal GitHub account. If you'd like to see how I've grown (or developed this guide) then feel free to check out the commit history.
Feel free to make a PR (or create an issue) if you think I've missed the mark somewhere in here, or want to start a conversation :)