New generation of the original CanvasHelper backend. Web-based, support Linux, Windows and MacOS.
- Python >= 3.7
If you want to use our server and use the frontend hosted on our website:
- Run
, which will start the uvicorn server on server_ip:9283 - Open to sign up for an account. A popup window will show up to set the backend URL. Enter the backend URL in form of
- For account registration, the following information is required:
- A unique username
- Password
- Canvas LMS URL
- Canvas access key
- When successfully signed up, you will be redirected to for login.
- You will be kept logged in if you regularly open EasyCanvas dashboard. If you haven't open it for some time (by default, 1 day), you will have to login again for security reasons (The Canvas access key provides full control over your Canvas account, so there are effective security precautions to protect the key).
- Visit to configure EasyCanvas and courses information
- EasyCanvas dashboard is ready on
- Deploy Canvas Helper on your desktop with wiget
If you want to run the backend on your machine and use the frontend hosted on our website:
- Run
, which will start the uvicorn server on localhost:9283 - Open to sign up for an account. A popup window will show up to set the backend URL. Click
or close the popup window to use default settings - For account registration, the following information is required:
- A username
- Password
- Canvas LMS URL
- Canvas access key
- When successfully signed up, you will be redirected to for login.
- You will be kept logged in if you regularly open EasyCanvas dashboard. If you haven't open it for some time (by default, 1 day), you will have to login again for security reasons. When running locally, expiration time of the auth tokens can be edited in
- Visit to configure CanvasHelper and courses information
- CanvasHelper dashboard is ready on
- Deploy Canvas Helper on your desktop with wiget
If you want to setup frontend by yourself or contribute to this project, you have to do mainly 3 steps:
- Run the backend
- Run
and configure EasyCanvas in the browser - Run an HTTP server to host the static HTML files (or develop your own dashboard frontend)
First, clone this repository:
git clone
cd CanvasHelper2
Then install the dependencies. It is recommended to use a virtual environment for installation:
python -m venv env # You may want to change `python` to `python3` or other python binaries
source env/bin/activate # You may want to change the activation script according to your shell
pip install -r requirements.txt
If you don't want to change any settings (like CORS), you can directly run: (If you want to use frontend on our server, you must use 9283
uvicorn canvas_app:app --port 9283
For development, you probably need to use:
uvicorn canvas_app:app --reload
to automatically reload the api when the script is modified.
If you need to expose the port, you can add option --host
If you want to use the frontend on our server, go to: here. (Site might be changed in the future)
Otherwise, go to CanvasHelper2-conf for more details.
If you want to see the result without hosting HTML files, you can directly go to here.
You can use any http server you like to host the static html file.
The sample dashboard frontend is at
You can clone that repository and host those files by
python3 -m http.server 9282
Now go to page http://localhost:9282 to see the result!
Subscribe template wallpaper:
After you started the backend locally, it will redirect to the here. You can also change it to your local frontend.
To start the backend on startup, you can do the following:
- Win+R, type
- In the opened window, create a file called
Its content should be like this:
Dim WinScriptHost
Set WinScriptHost = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WinScriptHost.Run Chr(34) & "C:\XXX\canvashelper.bat" & Chr(34), 0
Set WinScriptHost = Nothing
Replace C:\XXX\canvashelper.bat
with a better path where you store a bat
file which is used to launch the CanvasHelper.
That bat file must be in C drive.
- Create that
file with the following content:
@echo off
cd D:\Project\CanvasHelper2
uvicorn canvas_app:app --port 9283
Replace d:
and D:\Project\CanvasHelper2
with your own directory.
(If your clone directory is in C, then you don't need d:
to enter drive D)
After that, your system will run this script on startup.
Note: some features in wallpaper engine are not well-supported, including scrolling.
- Install wallpaper-engine-kde-plugin.
- Download the canvas wallpaper
- You should be able to see the wallpaper.
- Add a startup script to run the backend.
Note: scrolling is also not supported.
(Another dashboard frontend)
- What's the difference between CanvasHelper and EasyCanvas?
CanvasHelper 1 is centralized while EasyCanvas is not. It is completely local so you don't have to connect to our server to use CanvasHelper. Moreover, EasyCanvas provides a handy web interface for configuring courses. EasyCanvas separates frontend and backend so that you can develop your own dashboard frontend on any operating system/desktop environment.
- What's the relationship between EasyCanvas backend, frontend, and dashboard?
The backend provides several APIs for frontend and dashboard to call; frontend uses the local APIs to configure EasyCanvas. The dashboard also calls the local backend to get the configuration.
- Do I have to use the sample dashboard frontend?
No. You can develop your own dashboard frontend. The sample dashboard frontend uses the HTML output from this backend and displays it in a draggable box.