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Fb2.Document is lightweight, fast .Net 8 library designed to read, manage and create fb2 ebooks.


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Fb2 Document Library Fb2.Document CI

Fb2.Document is lightweight, fast .Net 8 lib with bunch of APIs to operate fb2 file's contents.

Fb2.Document is the easiest way to build reader or editor app for Fb2 book format.

Table of contents


You can download and use Fb2Document package in your app via

  • NuGet: Fb2.Document

  • Package Manager Console: PM> Install-Package Fb2.Document

  • dotnet cli: dotnet add package Fb2.Document

DotNet Versioning

Starting with version 2.4.0 project will target singular latest LTS (Long Term Support) version of .net.

Version 2.4.0 introduces this change moving away from multiple framework versions target - netcoreapp3.1;net5.0;net6.0;net7.0 - and targeting net8.0 only instead.

This allows to use latest features and reduce package size.

Table below describes .net targets per package version:

Package version .Net version(s) target
1.3.0 netstandard2.0
2.3.0 netcoreapp3.1;net5.0;net6.0;net7.0
2.4.0 net8.0

For more info on .Net versions support please see .NET and .NET Core Support Policy.

Document infrastructure

In fact, fb2 file is just an XML with a set of custom nodes, attributes and data relations. However, validation of given fb2 file against appropriate xsd scheme is not an option as there are LOTS of semi-valid fb2 files in the wild.

So, xsd scheme validation is omitted.

Library creates tree document model similar to what original file had, removing invalid nodes.

Base abstract classes are Fb2Node and it's descendants - Fb2Container and Fb2Element.

Fb2Node is lowest abstract level of fb2 document node implementation - it implements all Attributes-related APIs.

Fb2Container is container node, which can - unexpectedly! - contain other elements (nodes).

Fb2Element is mainly text container element.

Fb2Document class, in turn, is not derived from Fb2Node, but still plays major role in file processing. That class serves as a topmost container, which is capable of loading and representing fb2 file structure, providing access to Fb2Container/Fb2Element basic API's.

Book property of an Fb2Document is populated after call to Load (or LoadAsync) method ended and represents actual <FictionBook> element of fb2 file - root of a Fb2 DOM tree.


During load process all nodes or attributes which do not meet Fb2 standard will be skipped. Misplaced elements, like a plain text in root of a book, are not ignored, but marked with IsUnsafe flag instead. All comments are ignored by default.

For full list of allowed elements and attribute names see ElementNames and AttributeNames.


There are API's that enable loading Fb2 DOM in different scenarios, for both Fb2Document and any particular node.

Loading Fb2Document

All Load or LoadAsync methods of Fb2Document class accept either Fb2LoadingOptions or Fb2StreamLoadingOptions optional parameter to configure content loading. For more info see LoadingOptions.

Examples of loading Fb2Document...

  1. ...from string
string fileContent = await dataService.GetFileContent(Fb2FilePath);

Fb2Document fb2Document = new Fb2Document();


WARNING! Method is not encoding-safe. *

  1. ...from string asynchronously
Fb2Document fb2Document = new Fb2Document();

string fileContent = await dataService.GetFileContent(Fb2FilePath);

await fb2Document.LoadAsync(fileContent);

WARNING! Method is not encoding-safe. *

  1. ...from XDocument
XDocument xDocument = dataService.GetFileAsXDoc(Fb2FilePath);

Fb2Document fb2Document = new Fb2Document();


WARNING! Method is not encoding-safe. *

  1. ...from stream
Fb2Document fb2Document = new Fb2Document();

using(Stream stream = dataService.GetFileContentStream(Fb2FilePath))
    // or:
    fb2Document.Load(stream, new Fb2StreamLoadingOptions(false)); // some options

Method is encoding-safe. *

  1. ...from stream asynchronously
Fb2Document fb2Document = new Fb2Document();

using(Stream stream = dataService.GetFileContentStream(Fb2FilePath))
    await fb2Document.LoadAsync(stream);
    // or:
    await fb2Document.LoadAsync(stream, new Fb2StreamLoadingOptions(false)); // options

Method is encoding-safe. *

Loading Fb2Node

In corner-case scenario you might need to load some part of a document into the model, instead of loading whole thing.

It can be achieved by directly calling Load(XNode node) method on corresponding Fb2Node implementation instance.

Paragraph paragraph = new Paragraph();
// assuming node is instance of XNode which contains paragraph - otherwise
// exception will be thrown on validation phase of loading process


If method is marked as "not encoding safe" - means content's original encoding is kept, which can cause text symbols rendering issues in case of running into an old encoding like KOI-8, Cyrillic text, etc.

If method is encoding-safe - during loading process library will try to determine exact encoding of a document and re-encode content of a file info UTF8. If automatic encoding detection fails, .Net Encoding.Default is used.


All descendants of Fb2Node class (itself included) provide build-in methods to query and manipulate parsed data in multiple ways.

Query Fb2Element

Fb2Element class descendants APIs allows to work with plain text content, leaves of the fb2 DOM tree.

Content property of Fb2Element is get-only to prevent random and/or incorrect changes.

So you read it exactly how you would read any other string, no specific string-search API is provided.

Check if particular fb2Element has substring:

var hasSubstring = fb2Element.Content.Contains(...);

Query Fb2Container

Fb2Container class descendants provides node content managing APIs.

Some queries like fb2Container.Content.Where(n => n is Fb2Paragraph) or fb2Node.Attributes.ContainsKey(...) are pre-baked into library to simplify data access.

Code below demonstrates few simple scenarios on how to select nodes directly from Content property.

  1. Finding all Image nodes in given Paragraph container node:
var allImagesInParagraphByName = paragraph.GetChildren(ElementNames.Image);
var allImagesInParagraphByPredicate = paragraph.GetChildren(n => n.Name == ElementNames.Image);
var allImagesInParagraphByType = paragraph.GetChildren<Image>();
  1. Looking for first Image node in given Paragraph container node:
var firstImageInParagraphByName = paragraph.GetFirstChild(ElementNames.Image);
var firstImageInParagraphByPredicate = paragraph.GetFirstChild(n => n.Name == ElementNames.Image);
var firstImageInParagraphByType = paragraph.GetFirstChild<Image>();

Query Fb2Container sub-tree

Descendant node is contained either in Content property of given element directly, or is contained further in Fb2 DOM sub-tree (indirect content).

Fb2Container built-in APIs allow to search for descendants nodes:

  1. Finding all Image nodes in given BookSection container node:
IEnumerable<Fb2Node> allSectionImagesByName = bookSection.GetDescendants(ElementNames.Image); // by string Name
IEnumerable<Fb2Node> allSectionImagesByPredicate = bookSection.GetDescendants(n => n.Name == ElementNames.Image); // with Func<Fb2Node, bool> predicate
IEnumerable<Image> allSectionImagesByType = bookSection.GetDescendants<Image>(); // with type parameter, where T : Fb2Node
  1. Finding first Subscript node in BookBody (including first-level content):
Fb2Node? firstSubscriptInBookBodyByName = bookBody.GetFirstDescendant(ElementNames.Subscript);
Fb2Node? firstSubscriptInBookBodyByPredicate = bookBody.GetFirstDescendant(node => node is Subscript);
Subscript? firstSubscriptInBookBodyByType = bookBody.GetFirstDescendant<Subscript>();
  1. Attempt to both check if any matching node exists and get first matching Fb2Node instance at the same time:
bool hasCustomInfoByName = bookBody.TryGetFirstDescendant(ElementNames.CustomInfo, out Fb2Node? firstCustomInfoByName);

bool hasCustomInfoByPredicate = bookBody.TryGetFirstDescendant(n => n.Name == ElementNames.CustomInfo, out Fb2Node? firstCustomInfoByPredicate);

bool hasCustomInfoByType = bookBody.TryGetFirstDescendant<CustomInfo>(out CustomInfo? firstCustomInfoByType);


Methods GetChildren and GetDescendants never returns null. Instead, empty IEnumerable is always returned.

Querying Attributes

Fb2Node base class provides Attributes access and modifications methods.

Lots of operations with Fb2Document - like searching / rendering / querying are heavily dependent on Attributes.

So there are few methods designed to simplify Attributes reading.

For more details on methods for querying node attributes, see Fb2Node.Methods.

  1. Check if Fb2Node has Attribute with particular Name (in this case Id):
bool hasAttributeByKey = fb2Node.HasAttribute(AttributeNames.Id);
bool hasAttributeByKeyCaseIgnore = fb2Node.HasAttribute("ID", true); // second parameter indicates case-insensitive comparison
  1. Get Attribute of a node in Fb2Attribute form by Name:
Fb2Attribute? attribute = fb2Node.GetAttribute(AttributeNames.Name);
Fb2Attribute? attributeCaseIgnore = fb2Node.GetAttribute(AttributeNames.Name, true);


GetAttribute(string key, bool ignoreCase = false) method returns null if there's no attribute found by given name.

  1. Checking if attribute is there while retrieving it's value in Fb2Attribute form at a same time:
bool hasAttribute = fb2Node.TryGetAttribute(AttributeNames.Name, out Fb2Attribute attributeResult);
bool hasAttributeCaseIgnore = fb2Node.TryGetAttribute(AttributeNames.Name, true, out Fb2Attribute attributeResultCaseIgnore);
  1. Need to parse attribute value into Enum or something?
if (tableCellFb2Node.TryGetAttribute(AttributeNames.Align, true, out var alignAttribute) &&
    Enum.TryParse<TextAlignment>(alignAttribute.Value, true, out var textAlignment))
    // work


All descendants of Fb2Node class provide Content manipulation APIs along with Attributes modification methods. All content of Fb2Document is represented by instances of two core classes:

  • Fb2Element - represents plain text node of some kind.
  • Fb2Container - represents node capable of containing other nodes along with text.

Naturally, both types provide different APIs for editing respective Content property - string for Fb2Element and ImmutableList<Fb2Node> for Fb2Container.

Editing Fb2Element content

As far as Fb2Element is purely-text representation entity, working with it looks like working with a string. While this is true for reading string Content, this is not exactly the case for changing it as whole fb2 format relies on xml. All content - nodes, text, Attributes - should comply with xml format, which brings some restrictions.

  1. Adding new text content in simplest manner is using TextItem, which directly represents plain text.
var textItem = new TextItem().AddContent("Hello,"); // no separator parameter
  1. Consider textItem from example above. It's missing something...
textItem.AddContent(() => "World!", " "); // second parameter is separator, used during appending new content to existing one.

var updatedContent = textItem.Content;
// produces:
// "Hello, World!"


Due to mentioned xml format limitations, both parameters - newContent and separator in AddContent method are escaped by replacing Environment.NewLine with " " (whitespace) and symbols <, >, &, ', " with encoded counterparts - &lt;, &gt;, &quot; etc.

  1. To clear Content:

Editing Fb2Container content

If given Fb2Container node can contain text nodes (indicated by CanContainText property) along with other nodes. Text can be inserted via special method:

  1. Adding 'hello world' text to Strikethrough container:
var strikethrough = new Strikethrough();
strikethrough.AddTextContent("hello world"); // adding text directly

For any descendant of Fb2Container basic method of adding nodes to actual content is AddContent(Fb2Node node), with a bunch of overloads on top for different use-cases.

  1. Adding empty Strong node to Paragraph:
var paragraph = new Paragraph();
paragraph.AddContent(new Strong()); // adding empty child node
  1. Adding Strong node with text to Paragraph :
var paragraph = new Paragraph();
paragraph.AddContent(new Strong().AddTextContent("strong content")); // adding child instance with text
  1. Adding empty Strong node to Paragraph using LINQ-style method chaining:
var paragraph = new Paragraph();
paragraph.AddContent(ElementNames.Strong) // by node name
         .AddContent(new List<Fb2Node> { new Strong(), new Emphasis() }) // add multiple items at once as `IEnumerable<Fb2Node>`
         .AddContent(new Strong(), new Emphasis()) // add multiple items at once as `params Fb2Node[]`
         .AddContent(() =>                          // with node function provider - Func<Fb2Node>
             // do stuff, load, query content, etc
             return new Strong().AddTextContent("sync bold text provider");
await paragraph.AddContentAsync(async () =>          // with async node function provider - Func<Task<Fb2Node>>
    // do async stuff, load, query content, etc.
    var strongText = await GetStrongTextValue();
    return new Strong().AddTextContent(strongText);
  1. To remove particular node / set of nodes, use RemoveContent method or one of it overloads:
// set up

var strong = new Strong().AddTextContent("strong content ");
var italic = new Emphasis().AddTextContent("emphasis content ");
var strikethrough = new Strikethrough().AddTextContent("strikethrough content ");

var paragraph = new Paragraph().AddContent(strong, italic, strikethrough).AddTextContent("plain text ");

// remove content how you see fit
paragraph.RemoveContent(new List<Fb2Node> { strong, italic }); // drop strong and italic nodes using IEnumerable<Fb2Nodes>
paragraph.RemoveContent(n => n is Strong || n is Emphasis); // drop strong and italic nodes using Func<Fb2Node, bool> predicate
paragraph.RemoveContent(strong); // drop particular node
  1. To clean all content of Fb2Container (paragraph from example above):

Editing Attributes

Fb2Node base class provides Attributes access and modifications methods.

  1. To add single attribute to given Fb2Node, use overloaded AddAttribute method:
var paragraph = new Paragraph();

paragraph.AddAttribute(AttributeNames.Id, "paragraph_id"); // adding single attribute by key & value
// or:
paragraph.AddAttribute(new Fb2Attribute("id", "paragraph_id")); // adding single attribute
// or:
paragraph.AddAttribute(() => new Fb2Attribute("id", "paragraph_id")); // adding single attribute via provider function
// or:
await paragraph.AddAttributeAsync(async () => { // adding single attribute via async provider function
    var kvp = await attributeService.GetAttributeAsync();
    return kvp;
  1. To add multiple attributes to given Fb2Node at once, use overloaded AddAttributes method:
var paragraph = new Paragraph();

        new Fb2Attribute(AttributeNames.Id, "testId"),
        new Fb2Attribute(AttributeNames.Language, "eng")); // params Fb2Attribute[] attributes
// or:
paragraph.AddAttributes(new List<Fb2Attribute>{ new Fb2Attribute(AttributeNames.Id, "testId"), new Fb2Attribute(AttributeNames.Language, "eng") });
  1. To remove particular attribute / set of attributes, use overloaded RemoveAttribute method:
// remove attributes
string attributeName = ....;
paragraph.RemoveAttribute(attributeName); // removing attribute by Key, case sensitive!
// or:
paragraph.RemoveAttribute(attributeName, true); // removing attribute by Key, case insensitive!
// or:
paragraph.RemoveAttribute(attr => attr.Key.Equals(attributeName)); // removing attribute by predicate
  1. To clear Attributes of a given node, use ClearAttributes:

Method chaining

Editing API calls can be chained, because each editing API call return entity which is being edited itself, allowing calls like this:

var paragraph = new Paragraph();
    .AddContent(new Strong().AddTextContent("strong text 1 "))
        new Emphasis()
            .WithTextContent("italic text 1 ")
                new Strong()
                    .AddTextContent("strong italic text ")
                        new Strikethrough().AddTextContent("bold strikethrough italic text "))),
        new Strong().AddTextContent("strong text 2 "))
    .AddTextContent("plain text 1");

But, there are few limitations due to fb2-tree implementation & c# not supporting covariant return types. As eagle-eyed readers might have noticed that:

  1. Part of Editing API implemented in Fb2Container class - node related - like AddContent(Fb2Node node), AddContent(IEnumerable<Fb2Node> nodes), RemoveContent(Fb2Node node) etc - all have return type of Fb2Container.
// So, this will work:
Fb2Container paragraph = new Paragraph().AddContent(() => new Strong().AddTextContent("strong text 1 ")); // or use any other overload of `AddContent`
// This WILL NOT:
Paragraph paragraph = new Paragraph().AddContent(new Strong().AddTextContent("strong text 1 ")); // returns `Fb2Container`, not `Paragraph`
  1. Part of Editing API implemented in Fb2Element class - text related - like AddContent(string newContent, string? separator = null) or ClearContent() etc - all have return type of Fb2Element.
// So, this will work:
Fb2Element plainTextItem = new TextItem().AddContent(() => "text 1 "); // or use any other overload of `AddContent`
// This WILL NOT:
TextItem plainTextItem = new TextItem().AddContent(() => "text 1 "); // returns `Fb2Element`, not `TextItem`
  1. Part of Editing API implemented in Fb2Node class - Attributes related - like AddAttribute(Fb2Attribute attribute), AddAttributes(params Fb2Attribute[] attributes) or RemoveAttribute(Fb2Attribute fb2Attribute) etc - all have return type of Fb2Node.
//So, this will work:
Fb2Node paragraph = new Paragraph().AddAttribute(AttributeNames.Id, "testValue"); // but `paragraph` variable has `Fb2Node` type now
// This WILL NOT:
Paragraph paragraph = new Paragraph().AddAttribute(AttributeNames.Id, "testValue"); // can't assign Fb2Node to Paragraph


Once AddAttribute method (or any overload) is used on Fb2Element or Fb2Container, returned value is converted to Fb2Node type, allowing access for Attributes only. This can break method chaining, so it is recommended to use Attributes-related methods in last turn in call chain, or to use Extensions.


All descendants of Fb2Node class (itself included) provide build-in methods to serialize back to XML format. Fb2Document class exposes similar APIs which cover whole book content serialization.

Basically, it's opposite to Load method call.

Serializing Fb2Document

To serialize Fb2Document class instance back into XML form there are two options: ToXml / ToXmlString methods. Both accept optional Fb2XmlSerializingOptions parameter to configure serialization.

  1. ToXml example:
// without Fb2XmlSerializingOptions
XDocument? doc = fb2Document.ToXml();

// using Fb2XmlSerializingOptions
XDocument? doc = fb2Document.ToXml(new Fb2XmlSerializingOptions { SerializeUnsafeElements = false });

ToXml method returns XDocument if Fb2Document.Book.IsLoaded or null otherwise.

  1. ToXmlString example:
// without Fb2XmlSerializingOptions
string? xmlString = fb2Document.ToXmlString();

// using Fb2XmlSerializingOptions
string? xmlString = fb2Document.ToXmlString(new Fb2XmlSerializingOptions { SerializeUnsafeElements = false });

Serializing Fb2Node

To serialize given Fb2Node, use ToXml method:

// set up
var paragraph = new Paragraph();

// without parameters
XElement serializedParagraph = paragraph.ToXml();

// using serializeUnsafeNodes boolean parameter
XElement serializedParagraph = paragraph.ToXml(false);


If you care about what exact type is being returned while editing node, you can use Fb2ContainerExtensions, Fb2ElementExtensions, Fb2NodeExtensions classes from Fb2.Document.Extensions namespace.

Extensions methods naming is slightly differs from naming of appropriate classes, e.g. AppendContent extension corresponds to AddContent, DeleteContent to RemoveContent and EraseContent to ClearContent.

Extensions are generic wrappers around Editing APIs of respective classes - Fb2Container, Fb2Element and Fb2Node - implementations, returning same type of node that was used, without cutting type down to base classes, i.e.:

This will work:

Paragraph paragraph = new Paragraph().AppendAttribute(AttributeNames.Id, "testValue");

Method chaining is also supported:

Paragraph paragraph = new Paragraph()
                        .AppendContent(() => Fb2NodeFactory.GetNodeByName(ElementNames.Strong))
                        .AppendAttribute(AttributeNames.Id, $"{Guid.NewGuid()}")
                        .AppendContent(new Strikethrough().AppendTextContent("Strikethrough", " "))
                        .AppendTextContent("plain text", " ");

For more details, check out Fb2ContainerExtensions, Fb2ElementExtensions and Fb2NodeExtensions.


Most used constants are ElementNames and AttributeNames which contain, respectively, element and attribute names that are allowed to be loaded from file.

All nodes / attributes, which names are not on list, will be omitted during document loading.

Error handling

As in fact library operates on top of XDocument (Linq to XML) requirements on fb2 content validity from xml viewpoint (correctly closed tags etc.) are more than relevant while not forgetting of fb2 standard requierements.

To simplify error-handling for different validation, loading and editing errors library provides custom exceptions:

Fb2DocumentLoadingException - thrown if Fb2Document.Load(...) or Fb2Document.LoadAsync(...) fails. Fb2NodeLoadingException - thrown if Fb2Node.Load(...) method fails. NoAttributesAllowedException - thrown on attempt to add attribute to node with no AllowedAttributes. InvalidAttributeException - thrown on attempt to add attribute with invalid key/value. UnexpectedAttributeException - thrown on attempt to add attribute not listed in AllowedAttributes. InvalidNodeException - thrown on attempt to add node to Fb2Container.Content using unknown Fb2Node name. Also being unhandled by Fb2NodeFactory.GetNodeByName method if supplied unknown name. UnexpectedNodeException - thrown on attempt to add not allowed node to Fb2Container.Content - like to put plain text into BookBody or try to fit BodySection inside Paragraph.

For more examples on exceptions see 'Fb2ContainerTests'.


Solution contains test project, which covers all models configurations & main element loading, validation and generation logic.

As far as project contains 63 different models, which are, in fact, configs for loading of different nodes from files, it would be incredibly boring to write tests for each of it. Reflection comes as best solution to get all model types, create corresponding instances and try to load each of them with different sets of data.

Also, there are separate tests for Fb2ElementFactory and IntegrationTests test, which creates Fb2Document, saves it as a file, reads it into second model, saves again and checks if both saved files are equal.


Fb2.Document is lightweight, fast .Net 8 library designed to read, manage and create fb2 ebooks.



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