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triggers build: i18n: missing cn translations (#604) 8ca129a
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github-actions committed Feb 18, 2025
1 parent 4d37a19 commit ded9d03
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Showing 4 changed files with 214 additions and 2 deletions.
124 changes: 124 additions & 0 deletions 07-dt/alliance/jeuno-first-walk.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -904,5 +904,129 @@ Options.Triggers.push({
'Tachi: Kasha': 'Kasha',
'locale': 'cn',
'replaceSync': {
'Aquarius': '宝瓶蟹',
'Ark Angel EV': '方舟天使EV',
'Ark Angel GK': '方舟天使GK',
'Ark Angel HM': '方舟天使HM',
'Ark Angel MR': '方舟天使MR',
'Ark Angel TT': '方舟天使TT',
'Despot': '专制者',
'Fafnir The Forgotten': '法芙尼尔',
'Lordly Shadow': '王之暗影',
'Luminous Remnant': '光流残滓',
'Prishe Of The Distant Chains': '遥远的咒缚 普利修',
'Shadow Lord': '暗之王',
'Sprinkler': '喷淋器',
'The Dragon\'s Aery': '龙巢',
'The grand dais': '斗舞台',
'The La\'loff Amphitheater': '拉·洛弗剧场',
'The Throne Room': '王座大殿',
'replaceText': {
'\\(add\\)': '(小怪)',
'\\(big raidwide\\)': '(超大全域)',
'\\(boss\\)': '(BOSS)',
'\\(cast\\)': '(咏唱)',
'\\(castbar\\)': '(咏唱栏)',
'\\(circle\\)': '(圆)',
'\\(circle AoE\\)': '(圆形AOE)',
'\\(circle indicator\\)': '(圆形指示)',
'\\(exalines\\)': '(扩展直线)',
'\\(explode\\)': '(爆炸)',
'\\(gaze\\)': '(石化光)',
'\\(grid\\)': '(网格)',
'\\(knockback\\)': '(击退)',
'\\(line AoE\\)': '(直线AOE)',
'\\(line indicators\\)': '(直线指示)',
'\\(puddles\\)': '(圈)',
'\\(raidwide\\)': '(全域)',
'\\(raidwides\\)': '(全域)',
'\\(rings\\)': '(环)',
'\\(single lines\\)': '(单独直线)',
'\\(spread\\)': '(分散)',
'\\(spreads explode\\)': '(分散爆炸)',
'\\(stack\\)': '(集合)',
'--all untargetable--': '--全体不可选中--',
'--Binding Indicator': '--绑定指示',
'--Darters spawn--': '--赤蜻生成--',
'(?<!-)center--': '中央--',
'jump--': '跳--',
'(?<!un)targetable--': '可选中--',
'(?<!all )untargetable--': '不可选中--',
'Absolute Terror': '绝对恐惧',
'Arrogance Incarnate': '骄慢化身',
'Asuran Fists': '梦想阿修罗拳',
'Auroral Uppercut': '罗刹七星拳',
'Baleful Breath': '凶恶吐息',
'Banish(?!( S|ga))': '放逐',
'Banish Storm': '放逐风暴',
'Banishga(?! )': '强放逐',
'Banishga IV': '强放逐IV',
'Binding Sigil': '束缚咒',
'Brittle Impact': '落地',
'Burning Battlements': '暗火燎堞',
'Burning Court': '暗火燎庭',
'Burning Keep': '暗火燎城',
'Burning Moat': '暗火燎壕',
'Burst': '爆炸',
'Cloudsplitter': '劈云斩',
'Concerted Dissolution': '分解连技',
'Critical Reaver': '暴击分断',
'Critical Strikes': '暴击威震',
'Cross Reaver': '绝双十闷刃',
'Crystalline Thorns': '金刚棘',
'Cthonic Fury': '冥界之怒',
'Damning Strikes': '诅咒强袭',
'Dark Matter Blast': '暗物质冲击',
'Dark Nebula': '新星爆发',
'Dark Nova': '黑暗新星',
'Divine Dominion': '方舟支配',
'Dominion Slash': '支配斩',
'Doom Arc': '厄运弧光',
'Dragon Breath': '巨龙吐息',
'Dragonfall': '亢龙天锤落',
'Echoes of Agony': '惨痛的回响',
'Explosion': '爆炸',
'Flames of Hatred': '憎恶之火',
'Giga Slash(?!:)': '十亿斩击',
'Giga Slash: Nightfall': '十亿斩击·入夜',
'Guillotine': '断首',
'Havoc Spiral': '灾乱螺旋',
'Holy': '神圣',
'Horrid Roar': '恐惧咆哮',
'Hurricane Wing': '飓风之翼',
'(?<! )Impact': '冲击',
'Implosion': '向心聚爆',
'Knuckle Sandwich': '迎面重拳',
'Light\'s Chain': '光连技',
'Meikyo Shisui': '明镜止水',
'Meteor': '陨石流星',
'Mighty Strikes': '强力冲击',
'Mijin Gakure': '隐于微尘',
'(?<! )Nightfall': '入夜',
'Nullifying Dropkick': '昆仑八象脚·改',
'Offensive Posture': '攻击姿态',
'Proud Palisade': '极致防御',
'Raiton': '雷遁之术',
'Rampage': '暴怒',
'Shadow Spawn': '影之增殖',
'Sharp Spike': '锋刺',
'Soul Binding': '灵魂束缚',
'Spike Flail': '刃尾横扫',
'Spiral Finish': '螺旋终结',
'Tachi: Gekko': '八之太刀·月光',
'Tachi: Kasha': '九之太刀·花车',
'Tachi: Yukikaze': '七之太刀·雪风',
'Tera Slash': '万亿斩击',
'Touchdown': '空降',
'Umbra Smash': '本影爆碎',
'Unbridled Rage': '无拘暴怒',
'Utsusemi': '空蝉之术',
'Winged Terror': '恐慌之翼',
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions 07-dt/alliance/jeuno-first-walk.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -448,7 +448,7 @@ hideall "--sync--"
30314.4 "Cloudsplitter" Ability { id: "A076", source: "Ark Angel MR" }

30325.7 label "angelLoop"
30325.7 "--MR jump-" Ability { id: "A06A", source: "Ark Angel MR" }
30325.7 "--MR jump--" Ability { id: "A06A", source: "Ark Angel MR" }
30330.1 "Rampage x4 (line indicators)" duration 3 #Ability { id: "A071", source: "Ark Angel MR" }
30334.1 "Rampage (circle indicator)" Ability { id: "A072", source: "Ark Angel MR" }
30335.0 "--sync--" Ability { id: "A070", source: "Ark Angel MR" } # Rampage castbar
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -574,7 +574,7 @@ hideall "--sync--"
40000.0 "--sync--" SystemLogMessage { id: "7DC", param1: "1418" } window 40000,1
40022.1 "Giga Slash 1" Ability { id: ["9F40", "94F2"], source: "Shadow Lord" }
40024.1 "Giga Slash 2" Ability { id: ["9F41", "94F3"], source: "Shadow Lord" }
40028.1 "--center-" Ability { id: "9F6A", source: "Shadow Lord" }
40028.1 "--center--" Ability { id: "9F6A", source: "Shadow Lord" }
40034.4 "Umbra Smash" Ability { id: "9F5B", source: "Shadow Lord" } duration 12
40055.8 "Giga Slash 1" Ability { id: ["9F40", "94F2"], source: "Shadow Lord" }
40057.8 "Giga Slash 2" Ability { id: ["9F41", "94F3"], source: "Shadow Lord" }
Expand Down
47 changes: 47 additions & 0 deletions 07-dt/dungeon/yuweyawata.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -168,4 +168,51 @@ Options.Triggers.push({
response: Responses.tankBuster(),
timelineReplace: [
'locale': 'cn',
'replaceSync': {
'Lindblum Zaghnal': '林德布鲁姆扎戈斧龙',
'Overseer Kanilokka': '卡尼洛喀站长',
'Lunipyati': '鲁尼皮亚提',
'replaceText': {
'\\(arcs\\)': '(弧线)',
'\\(big\\)': '(大)',
'\\(multiple\\)': '(多重)',
'\\(spiral\\)': '(螺旋)',
'--adds': '--小怪',
'(?<!un)targetable--': '可选中--',
'Beastly Roar': '残虐咆哮',
'Bloodburst': '血爆',
'Boulder Dance': '舞动的岩石',
'Caber Toss': '投掷',
'Cell Shock': '放电',
'Crater Carve': '刨坑',
'Dark II': '昏暗',
'Dark Souls': '黑暗之魂',
'Electrical Overload': '广域奔雷',
'Free Spirits': '灵魂释放',
'Gore': '刺牙',
'Jagged Edge': '岩石突击',
'Leaping Earth': '跃动的大地',
'Leporine Loaf': '稳如兔山',
'Lost Hope': '恍惚的叫声',
'Lightning Bolt': '落雷',
'Lightning Storm': '百雷',
'Line Voltage': '线状放电',
'Necrohazard': '死灵危机',
'Phantom Flood': '幽魂泛滥',
'Raging Claw': '暴怒连爪',
'Rock Blast': '岩石冲击',
'Slabber': '唾液飞溅',
'Sparking Fissure': '对地放电',
'Sonic Howl': '音嚎',
'Soul Douse': '失魂',
'Soulweave': '灵魂飞掠',
'Telltale Tears': '幽魂之泪',
'Turali Stone IV': '图拉尔崩石',
41 changes: 41 additions & 0 deletions 07-dt/trial/queen-eternal.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -357,4 +357,45 @@ Options.Triggers.push({
timelineReplace: [
'locale': 'cn',
'missingTranslations': true,
'replaceSync': {
'Queen Eternal': '永恒女王',
'replaceText': {
'\\(abandonment\\)': '(孤独感)',
'\\(all\\)': '(全体)',
'\\(cast\\)': '(咏唱)',
'\\(cones': '(锥形',
'\\(flare\\)': '(核爆)',
'\\(gaze\\)': '(石化光)',
'\\(pre-cast\\)': '(预咏唱)',
'\\(puddles': '(放圈',
'\\(raidwide\\)': '(全域)',
'\\(single\\)': '(单体)',
'\\(stun\\)': '(眩晕)',
'Absolute Authority': '绝对君权',
'Aethertithe': '以太税',
'Authority\'s Hold': '空间掌控:制动',
'Besiegement': '激突',
'Brutal Crown': '王权残暴',
'Castellation': '护城墙',
'Coronation': '终端发射',
'Divide And Conquer': '分治法',
'Downburst': '下行突风',
'Dynastic Diadem': '王冠之力',
'Legitimate Force': '合法武力',
'Morning Stars': '黎明的群星',
'Powerful Gust': '强风',
'Prosecution Of War': '诉诸武力',
'Royal Banishment': '放逐射线',
'Royal Domain': '王土',
'Ruthless Regalia': '王法无情',
'Virtual Shift': '虚景切换',
'Waltz of the Regalia': '王权圆舞曲',

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