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Releases: Otaku-Projects/AngularJS-CRUD-PHP


07 Jan 01:45
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0.2.0-alpha Pre-release

0.2.0 Pre-alpha

Create function (fully tested)
Read function (fully tested)
Update function (unstable)
Delete function (unstable)



17 Sep 17:01
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Enhance applicability and bugs fixed

Expand the directives

separate the into and
For inquiry, will not auto get data on-load, filter the data by criteria, the criteria structure may same as the table structure or customize.

For process, may send a request to server for process or generation. Or and display the records like inquiry, the user select on the filtered record for further process.


ui-router Integration

The demo sample use ui-router and ocLazyLoad to reduce the amendment effort.

DataAdapter service

A Middle-ware for data conversion between PHP (server) and js (client)
massage client data for send as AJAX request
massage server response data for directive usage

Demo sample components

  • ui-router
  • ocLazyLoad
  • Prism.js
  • angular-bootstrap-lightbox-0.12.0

Enhance Excel supports

  • Export, excel format(xls, xlsx)
  • Export, generate as template or with full data
  • support year(4), year(2) data type

Switch UI framework POC

Fixed lot of Bugs

  • service.js
  • entry directive
  • export directive
  • import directive
  • inquiry directive
  • process directive
  • Excel support

fixed: ExcelManager.php
PHPExcel translates to UTC time inside, and then go back to the default timezone.
should not add 8 hours by manual
fixed: create date value in excel through PHPExcel_Shared_Date::PHPToExcel class


30 Mar 14:13
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Some bug fixed


Fixed: allow insert a record without provide the primary key if the pk is auto Increment
Fixed: undefined variable in delete
Fixed: return null of numeric field is null instead of return "NULL" in string

Core.php, DatabaseManager.php

Fixed: incorrect error message if primary key missing in insert record

directive.js - <range>

Fixed: if the start chagned from "ALL", set the isAll flag as false
update: primary key missing error msg


update: send http response message to <message> via MessageService if the http response failure


30 Mar 13:43
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Add <process> directive


add: ProcessData action


fixed: import to update an row with empty fk, error caused if the fk contain reference key constraint


fixed: clear the message list in setMsg before add message to the list


add: directive, to preform reporting, inquiry, processing action
fixed: directive, set false to isAll flag when start is not equal to "ALL"


30 Mar 13:34
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Add <range> directive

add: <range> directive with three attributes
start = "", end = "", isAll = true

<pageview> provide supporting for editbox directive
update: auto update the selected record to parent editbox if found in the SelectedToRecord. Enhancement for same program id pageview, one inside of the entry, one out side of the entry, cannot identify the pageview instance in SelectedToRecord.

<editbox> provide supporting for range directive
add: two attributes

  • range in string, start or end
  • rangeValue in expression, the key of the record selected from pageview


30 Mar 13:25
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Bug fixed

DatabaseManager.php - GetSQLValueString()
fixed: return NULL if data type of int or deimal is incorrect in the

this updates at 5 Feb 2017


30 Mar 13:21
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Add <message> directive

add: <message> directive, separate the process result message from CRUD, import, or export directive, centralize to display in here

add: demo page,
create master
view master
amend master
delete master
display process message


30 Mar 12:13
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minor changes


30 Mar 07:53
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marjor 4 bug fixed


pageview directive

fixed: total records count less than a page, delete one record in database than click the refresh button on pageview, the record set display incorrect
fixed: DisplayPageNum() moved to promise.finally, otherwise the pageview record set cannot display the new set of record.
fixed: add rowScope as a argument to the CustomSelectedToRecord(), same as CustomPointedToRecord()
fixed: used a incorrect property to read the data type of table schema in ConvertKeyFieldToUppercase()
update: renmae the function to ValidateRecord() for validate the record from ngModel

entry directive

update: FindData(), in used after UpdateData() to get the lastUpdateDate that the use can update the record again.
in the future, allowed the user to get the record after input the key.
fixed: CustomSubmitDataResult() cannot use
update: return Promise reject for CreateData(), UpdateData(), DeleteData() instead of pop alert and return to break the SubmitData() flow.
fixed: print message in FindEditModeEnum() if unidentified the editmode


fixed: cannot delete a record, if the record contain null value

Developer Guide

Try working through our step by step tutorial or try building on this framework.

Explain and describe the core concepts and the program flow.


30 Mar 07:30
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Add loading modal

add: loading modal, ready to use during the data submit.
add: find and clear editbox ngModel in entry directive, for clear editbox after record created.