Master | |||
Dev |
This project aims to simplify development process of Odoo addons as much as possible.
The canonical source of odoo-helper-scripts is hosted on GitLab.
- Easily manage few instances of odoo that ran on same machine
- High usage of virtualenv for isolation purpose
- Use nodeenv to install node.js, phantom.js, etc in isolated virtualenv
- Powerful testing capabilities, including support for:
- python and js code check via pylint_odoo (which uses ESLint to check JS files)
- python code check via flake8
- styles (.css, .scss, .less files) check via stylelint
- compute test code coverage via
- Test web tours via phantom.js or chromium browser (Odoo 12.0+)
- Easy addons installation
- Automatiacly resolve and fetch dependencies
- oca_dependencies.txt (sample, mqt tool code)
- requirements.txt
- Own file format to track addon dependencies: odoo_requirements.txt
- installation directly from Odoo Market (experimental)
- Only free addons
- Including dependencies
- Semi-automatic upgrade when new version released
- installation from git repositories
- installation from Mercurial repositories (experimental)
- installation of python dependencies from PyPI or any vcs supported by setuptools
- automatically processing of requirements.txt files located inside repository root and addon directories.
- shortcuts that simplifies fetching addons from OCA or github
- works good with long recursive dependencies. One of the reasons for this script collection development was, ability to automaticaly install more that 50 addons, that depend on each other, and where each addon have it's own git repo.
- Automatiacly resolve and fetch dependencies
- Continious Integration related features
- ensure addon version changed
- ensure repository version changed
- ensure each addon have icon
- Translation management from command line
- import / export translations by command from shell
- test translation rate for specified language
- regenerate translations for specified language
- load language (for one db or for old databases)
- Supported odoo versions:
- 8.0
- 9.0
- 10.0
- 11.0
- 12.0
- 13.0 (requires ubuntu 18.04+ or other linux distribution with python 3.6+)
- OS support:
- On Ubuntu should work nice
- Also should work on Debian based systems, but some troubles may happen with installation of system dependencies.
- Other linux systems - in most cases should work, but system dependecies must be installed manualy.
- Missed feature? Fill an issue
Note Documentaion in this readme, or in other sources, may not be up to date!!!
So use --help
option, which is available for most of commands.
This script collection is designed to simplify life of addons developer. This project is not designed, to install and configure production ready Odoo instances!
For production-ready installations look at crnd-deploy project.
Also take a look at Yodoo Cockpit project.
For full list of installation options look at installation documentation
Starting from 0.1.7 release odoo-helper-scripts could be installed as .deb packages, but this feature is still experimental. See releases page.
To install odoo-helper-scripts system-wide do folowing:
# Install odoo-helper-scripts
wget -O - | sudo bash -s
# Install system dependencies required for odoo-helper-scripts
# NOTE: Works only on debian-based systems
odoo-helper install pre-requirements
or more explicit way:
# Download installation script
wget -O /tmp/odoo-helper-install.bash;
# Install odoo-helper-scripts
sudo bash /tmp/odoo-helper-install.bash;
# Intall system pre-requirements for odoo-helper-scripts
# NOTE: Works only on debian-based systems
odoo-helper install pre-requirements
It is possible to run basic tests via docker.
For this task, odoo-helper-scripts repo contains script scripts/run_docker_test.bash
Run bash scripts/run_docker_test.bash --help
to see all available options for that script.
For example to test, how odoo-helper-scripts will work on debian:stretch, do following:
bash scripts/run_docker_test.bash --docker-ti --docker-image debian:stretch
And after install you will have available folowing scripts in your path:
- odoo-install
- odoo-helper
Each script have -h
or --help
option which display most relevant information
about script and all possible options and subcommands of script
Also there are some aliases for common commands:
- odoo-helper-addons
- odoo-helper-db
- odoo-helper-fetch
- odoo-helper-log
- odoo-helper-restart
- odoo-helper-server
- odoo-helper-test
For more info look at documentation. (currently documentation status is work-in-progress). Also look at Frequently used commands and Command reference
Also look at odoo-helper-scripts tests to get complete usage example (look for Start test comment).
Have you any quetions? Just fill an issue or send email