Laravel Attraction Management Application
Application was developed using Laravel and TailwindCSS with Blade template
- CRUD Operations: Create, Read, Update, and Delete attractions. (Create, Update and Delete are only accessible to admin users)
- File Uploads & Mail: Upload images for attractions and send a notification email.
- Third-Party API Integration: Fetch and display weather information for the attraction's location using the OpenWeather API.
- Real-Time Broadcasting: Broadcast a WebSocket event when a new attraction is created.
- Testing: Feature tests for CRUD operations and the API integration.
- Clone repository
- cd into attraction-management
- Copy .env.example to .env using
cp .env.example .env
- Run
composer install
to install all composer dependencies - Run
npm install
- Compile frontend assets using
npm run dev
- For production builds using
npm run build
- Run all migrations:
php artisan migrate
- Seed the DB with the predefined users for test:
php artisan db:seed
- Setup and run queues
php artisan queue:work
or run it as a daemon to keep it running in the backgroundphp artisan queue:work --daemon
- To run all the tests:
php artisan test
Admin Login
- Email: [email protected]
- Password: AdminP8ssw0rd
User Login
- Email: [email protected]
- Password: AdminP8ssw0rd