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Hey there, this is Orkun.

  • 🔭 I graduated from Flatiron School Online Software Engineering Program
  • 💻 I am proficient in: HTML, CSS, Ruby, SQL, ORM, Sinatra, Rails, JavaScript, React, Redux, JSON
  • 🌱 I’m currently learning Node.js, WordPress


  • 🔖 Gamers Vault - Demo | Frontend Repository | Backend Repository

    • A gaming website where users can browse through 500,000+ games and perform CRUD actions.

    • Integrated global state by using Redux for smooth page updates and better state management

    • Fetched game information based on search terms from the RAWG video game database API

    • Built frontend using React with custom CSS

    • Implemented React Router for a multi-page interface

    • Incorporated full authentication using session cookies and Bcrypt

  • 🔖 Movie Box - Demo | Repository

    • A Rails app for keeping track of favorite movies and creating lists to manage and organize those movies.

    • Designed and styled site using Bootstrap 4, along with customized CSS styles

    • Integrated Google Oauth by using OmniAuth for a user to be able to sign in with Google email

    • Implemented full CRUD functionality for a user to be able to create, edit, and destroy their movies

    • Incorporated user authentication by using bcrypt gems and persisting user sessions using cookies

  • 🔖 Nice Reads - Demo | Repository

    • A vanilla JavaScript app with Rails backend API for users to keep track of favorite books and perform CRUD actions on their book collection.

    • *Utilized SQLite database and developed a RESTful Rails API backend with endpoints for books and categories.

    • Implemented JavaScript to render JSON

    • Styled application with Bootstrap and custom CSS

    • Created Rails API for backend functionality

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