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pBox: Enforcing Performance Isolation within Application


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Artifact Evaluation Submission for pBox [SOSP '23]

paper: Pushing Performance Isolation Boundaries into Application with pBox

This documentation is written to use the pBox and reproduce the experiment result in our paper. All the experiments are evaluated on the Cloudlab Infrastructure



Directory structure:

🏠 pbox
┣ psandbox-kernel   (git submodule, source code of pbox kernel part)
┣ psandbox-userlib  (git submodule, source code of pbox user library)
┣ 📄 script         (a set of script for running the experiment)
┣ 🖼️ software       (softwares for the experiment)

Usage pattern of pbox

pbox is an OS abstraction that allows developers to achieve performance isolation within an application. It exposes a set of APIs for developers to specify the isolation goal and the scope of isolation. Figure 8 in the paper shows an example of how the developer uses pbox in MySQL. After the instrumentation, the application just runs as normally, and pbox would automatically mitigate performance interference, which the end-to-end performance can observe.


pBox can be used in recent Linux systems (tested on Debian 10.9, Ubuntu 18.04, and Ubuntu 20.04). For development and exploration of pBox, we recommend the usage of a VM or QEMU. For performance measurements, pBox should be used in a physical machine.

To ensure consistency for the artifact evaluation, we run pBox on physical nodes in CloudLab. The following instructions describe the usage for this environment.


  • The experiments require a total of four nodes:
    • We will use one Utah xl170 node in CloudLab to run the pBox kernel and applications.
    • To run the experiments for Apache and Varnish, we will three additional clients nodes. These nodes can be of any type.
  • Please make sure such four nodes are available before you start.

Getting Started & Installing pBox Kernel (30 human-minutes + 40 compute-minutes)

  1. Instantiate a CloudLab node.

    • Login to Cloudlab.
    • Instantiate a node with our cloudlab profile.
    • Note: If you encounter "No site mapping for node order0 ()." error, you can try to instantiate our profile with m510 node
  2. Login to the node using ssh

  3. Create a pBox user account.

    • run sudo useradd -m -s $(which bash) -d /data/pbox -G sudo pbox to create the account
    • run sudo passwd pbox to create the password for pbox account
    • Switch to pbox account sudo su pbox
    • change into home directory cd ~
    • Note: you may want to add your ssh public key in pbox user account if you want to ssh to the machine.
  4. Clone pbox and its submodules.

    • git clone --recursive pbox
  5. Build pBox kernel.

    cd ~/pbox/psandbox-kernel
    • If successful, the pBox kernel image (linux-*-5.4.0-my-k*.deb files) will be built and installed.
      • Note⚠️: the script will ask for your confirmation before installing the pBox kernel, please enter Y.
  6. Boot the machine to switch to the pBox image.

    • sudo reboot
    • The machine would choose the pBox image by default
  7. Install the pBox user library.

    cd ~/pbox/psandbox-userlib
    • If successful, the pBox user library (build/libs/ will be built.
    • Set the environment variable by source ~/.bashrc

Running Basic Microbenchmark Experiment (5 minutes)

  1. Follow the installing the pBox instructions above.
  2. In the pbox directory, run the command ./script/ -i script/microbenchmark. This will run the microbenchmark experiment in Figure 10. Each microbenchmark operation would run 100K times. The raw data should be output in result/eval_micro.csv.
  3. Plot the figure by running the ./script/microbenchmark/ command. The CloudLab node does not contain GUI environment, so to view the figure, it needs to be copied to your own machine first.

Build Applications & Test Frameworks (approximately 30 minutes)

  1. Download and build all applications used for the experiments.

    • Source the bash file source ~/.bashrc

    • cd ~/pbox/software

    • Download and build the applications:

      • The first script downloads five applications (MySQL, PostgreSQL, Apache, Varnish, and Memcached) and their benchmark tools in the software directory. The second script compiles the five applications.
      • It takes around 25 mins for the downloading and building to finish.
    • Source the bash file source ~/.bashrc

      • Note⚠️: important since the previous scripts would update the environment variables in .bashrc.
  2. Build the benchmark tools for the applications:

    • Source the bash file source ~/.bashrc
    • cd ~/pbox/software
    • ./
    • Source the bash file source ~/.bashrc
  3. Node setup for Apache and Varnish

    • For Apache and Varnish experiment, we will create three additional clients nodes.
    • Instantiate the three nodes with our cloudlab profile.
    • In each client machine, run sudo apt install apache2-utils to install a benchmarking tool.
    • In the server machine,
      1. set the SSH configuration file(~/.ssh/config) with client machine information
        • Example of the config file:
          Host client1
               User pbox
          Host client2
               User pbox
          Host client3
               User pbox
        • Note⚠️: the host name must be client1, client2 and client3. A different name would cause failures when running the experiments on Apache and Varnish.
        • Note⚠️: please copy the ssh public key from the server node to the clients' node. This can be done by ssh into each client from your own machine and add the server node's public key to the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file.
        • Note⚠️: please make sure that client1|2|3 are in known_hosts. This can be done by manually ssh into each client once from the server machine before running scripts
      2. set the environment variable SERVER_NODE to store the server machine's public IP for clients to connect
        • Example: echo 'export >> ~/.bashrc'
        • Note⚠️: its value is passed remotely to clients. You only need to set it in the server machine.

Running the mitigation experiment for Figure 11 (30 human minutes and approximately 8 compute hours)

This experiment measures the effectiveness of pBox on 16 cases in paper's table 3 and compares pBox with four performance interference mitigation solutions: cgroup, PARTIES, Retro and DARC. The experiment reproduces the result in Figure 11.

Running the pbox mitigation experiment on each real-world case

  1. Running the vanilla Linux, pbox and cgroup.

    • cd ~/pbox
    • To run all the cases, use /script/
      • To run one case, use ./script/ -i <case_id>
    • The raw data will be in result/data/mitigation_pbox.csv.
  2. Plot the figure by running ./script/cases/ result/data/mitigation_pbox.csv -o fig11_half.pdf

Running the comparison experiments with Parties and Retro

  1. Running the Parties and Retro.
    • cd ~/pbox
    • To run all the cases, use /script/ -t 1.
      • To run one case, use ./script/ -t 1 -i <case_id>
    • The raw data will be in result/data/eval_mitigation.csv.
  2. Plot the figure by running ./script/cases/ result/data/eval_mitigation.csv -o fig11_half.pdf

Note⚠️: Some test results may differ from the paper's figure due to the system's performance variance. If you encounter the issue, try the following debugging process:

  • Check the raw data in the result/data/mitigation_pbox.csv or result/data/eval_mitigation.csv to find the problematic data point and its cases number
  • Regenerate data point by running ./script/ -i result/cases -o result/data/mitigation_pbox.csv -d 2 -t 2 for pbox mitigation experiment or ./script/ -i result/cases -o result/data/eval_mitigation.csv -d 2 -t 5 for comparison experiment.
  • If the data is still incorrect, rerun the problematic case by running ./script/ -t 1 -i <case_id>.

Running the Sensitivity Experiment for Figure 12 (approximately 2 hours)

This experiment measures the sensitivity of isolation goals when creating a pbox. The experiment reproduces the result in Figure 12.

  1. Running the experiment
    • cd ~/pbox
    • To run all the cases, use ./script/ -i 0.
      • To specify one case, use ./script/ -i <case_id>
    • The raw data is in result/data/eval_sensitivity.csv
  2. Plot the figure by running ./script/sensitivity/ result/data/eval_sensitivity.csv -o fig12.pdf
  3. Note⚠️: Some cases' results may differ from the paper's figure due to performance variance. If you encounter the issues, follow the debugging process above. The command to regenerate data for sensitivity experiment is ./script/ -i result/sensitivity -o result/data/eval_sensitivity.csv -d 2 -t 3

Running the Performance Overhead Experiment for Figure 13 (approximately 1.5 hours)

This experiment measures the end-to-end throughput of pbox for all five systems under the standard workload. The experiment reproduces the result in Figure 13.

  1. Running the experiment.
    • cd ~/pbox
    • To run all the applications, use ./script/ -n all.
    • ./script/ has four parameters:
         -n NAME, --name NAME;  the tested application name
         -t THREADS, --threads THREADS; the number of thread to run concurrently
         -r ISREAD, --isread; whether the workload is read-intensive (only work for MySQL, PostgreSQL and Memcached)
                                       0: write-intensive, 1: read-intensive
         -p ISPBOX, --ispbox ISPBOX; whether the pbox is running
                                  0: no pbox, 1: pbox
    • To run one setting, use ./script/ -n app_name -t threads -p 0 -r 0
    • The raw data is in result/data/ folder. The overall result is result/data/eval_overhead.csv. The result for each application is overhead_appname.csv
  2. Plot the figure by running the script ./script/overhead/ result/data/eval_overhead.csv -o fig12.pdf
  3. Note⚠️: Some test results may differ greatly from the paper's figure due to performance variance. If you encounter the issue, please follow the debugging process above. The command to regenerate data for overhead experiment is ./script/ -i result/overhead -o result/data/eval_overhead.csv -d 2 -t 7


pBox: Enforcing Performance Isolation within Application







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