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More with R

OMN edited this page Feb 26, 2019 · 1 revision

More with R

I talked to R face to face to get access

13:51 H: Ok arrived to do archive backup for the techys

R: Im not in till 3.45, after picking up Yasu. I've sorted out about 4000 items on a hard drive (had to take out the copyright ones belonging to eg professional photographers). There's a mixture of docs, photos and video

H: Ok will go do some video editing at Archola

R: See you later

H: The idea is that it's a HUGE random subject based database. Ie. Its attractive to geek desire for order. Pre-digested is a problem. Ps. It should take a few hours to copy a big data set. So sooner the better to get started

R: I'm not sure of the size but not more than 100gb Most of it is docs because the video is on people's own accounts

H: But the archive is supposed to have offline copys of all the content. You need as much redundancy as possible. Do you have a list of links to the other data stores I could download them at hackspace.

R: That would take a while, and I haven't got time right now. I took time out to get you some data They're supposed to be offline copies not appear to some owner's surprise somewhere else

H: Ok this is not how it is supposed to work #4opens its supposed to be empowering people... if people can't get to the data how do they sort it? is an example of a #4opens project. OMN Is the project, the exhibition was set up to feed…

R: Individual accounts have their metadata. It's decentralised. All we need the software to do is search the tags

H: This is not a data soup... this is not a trust based #4opens project. It's something out of the 20th century. Do you personally not want a #4opens project? If so I can refocus these tech meetups, but it's a waste of the remaining tech budget that I find deeply upsetting.

H: Am meeting the **** guy tomorrow.

R: You have the entirety of the tech budget to do whatever you like with. I'm just helping out with a bunch of data to play with

H: Ok let leave it there am off home.

R: Ok well I needed to sort out the stuff we're going to upload anyway. I am curious to see if post-op load sorting works. Many ways to skin a cat *post-upload it's going to be very useful to be able to add/edit metadata after upload, in the soup so to speak. I think the Resistance archive geeks will try to design that in. Just to clarify, we don't disagree about the desired end result. But it's still limited what we ourselves can upload of people's copyright material. Re-tagging or sorting stuff that comes in through RSS is not a problem. I will when I get time create a long list of source accounts. You could do that yourself as well though.

H: The exhibition and archiving was set up with the #4opens at its core. Open Licence and open data are 2 of the opens... have a think about this for a bit. Think about open process at the same time.

Ok. I will refocus the meetups.