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Repository files navigation

Setup instruction

Method 1 - Clone this repo directly

  1. Clone this repo:

    rm -rf package/helloworld
    git clone --depth=1 package/helloworld
  2. Pull upstream commits:

    git -C package/helloworld pull
  • Remove

    rm -rf package/helloworld

Method 2 - Add this repo as a git submodule

  1. Add new submodule:

    rm -rf package/helloworld
    git submodule add -f --name helloworld package/helloworld
  2. Pull upstream commits:

    git submodule update --remote package/helloworld
  • Remove

    git submodule deinit -f package/helloworld
    git rm -f package/helloworld
    git reset HEAD .gitmodules
    rm -rf .git/modules{/,/package/}helloworld

Method 3 - Add this repo as an OpenWrt feed

  1. Add new feed:

    sed -i "/helloworld/d" "feeds.conf.default"
    echo "src-git helloworld" >> "feeds.conf.default"
  2. Pull upstream commits:

    ./scripts/feeds update helloworld
    ./scripts/feeds install -a -f -p helloworld
  • Remove

    sed -i "/helloworld/d" "feeds.conf.default"
    ./scripts/feeds clean
    ./scripts/feeds update -a
    ./scripts/feeds install -a


If you want to use this repo with official OpenWrt source tree, the following tools and packages need to be added manually:



You may use svn to check them out, e.g.:

mkdir -p package/helloworld
for i in "dns2socks" "microsocks" "ipt2socks" "pdnsd-alt" "redsocks2"; do \
  svn checkout "$i" "package/helloworld/$i"; \

You should manually add the following code into tools/Makefile, make sure to add code before the compile command:

tools-y += ucl upx
$(curdir)/upx/compile := $(curdir)/ucl/compile


svn checkout tools/ucl
svn checkout tools/upx

sed -i 'N;24a\tools-y += ucl upx' tools/Makefile
sed -i 'N;40a\$(curdir)/upx/compile := $(curdir)/ucl/compile' tools/Makefile

You should note that hard-coding the line number is not an ideal solution. It may destroy the structure of the original file due to the update of the openwrt source code and cause unexpected problems.