Frontend of OpenTreeHole ---- Anonymous BBS for college students
- White-listed registration ---- for certain community like college students
- Anonymous: RSA encrypted personal information(email) and random identity
- Compliance: report, mute, ban, fold NSFW contents
- Push notifications: web(websocket), iOS and Android
- Balance between performance and development efficiency: stress test 300~400 qps
This installation is just for frontend program. If you want to deploy the whole OpenTreeHole project, please visit Deploy Repo.
This project continuously integrates with docker. Go check it out if you don't have docker locally installed.
docker run -d -p 80:80 shi2002/open_tree_hole_frontend
Feel free to dive in! Open an issue or submit PRs.
Getting Started:
# Clone the repository
git clone
cd vue
# Install Dependencies
npm install # (Or yarn)
# Run The Dev Server
npm run serve # (Or yarn run serve)
To build the project, run
npm run build # (Or yarn run build)
# 'npm run build-report' can build the project with a report.html in the root directory.
This project exists thanks to all the people who contribute.